Originally I stated that Fusion was my favorite Metroid, and while that was true at the time of my last replay, this playthrough of prime made me realize that I much prefer this. Jumping to 3D can always be a scary thing, and it can take a few mishaps to get it right, with only some exceptions here and there (Sonic Adventure and Mario 64 come to mind). Prime however, uses 3D to it's full advantage and then some, arguably creating one of the best transitions to 3D I've ever seen. The main gameplay loop of exploring alien worlds and slowly gaining more upgrades to unlock more of the map is just as fun here as it is in the 2D games, but the combat has got a really fun step up! It is incredibly fun strafing around enemies and lining up your shots in tense combat encounters and they were a part of the game I looked forward to a lot! What I think really makes Prime sticks out though, is how it handles it's world building. Prime introduces such a simple mechanic with the scan log, but despite how simple it is, it opens the world building to it's natural extreme. I would find myself scanning everything I can, reading more and more about the planet I was exploring, learning about it's history, it's wildlife, everything. It is such an effective mechanic to keep you engaged, while also not being forced upon you in case you still want that more standard experience. What helps the scan system is just how atmospheric and alien Tallon IV feels. There were so many moments in the game where I would enter a new area and just kinda stare at it for awhile, taking in the surrounding sights, helped by the incredible ost of this game (easily one of the best gaming osts). The 2D games are still where I would personally say to start with, as I think they are a lot easier to jump into, but Prime will always stand above the rest for me. An absolute must play that I think everyone should experience once, and I cannot wait for Prime 4.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
