Edit: Endless mode now added. Delivering virtual mail has never been more fun.

Didn't much care for the story elements, but damn did I enjoy the gameplay. It's nothing spectacular, you're just driving around delivering letters and packages while listening to tunes on the radio and enjoying the scenery ...And yet it's so cozy and comforting. Definitely deserving of a replay.

I might return to this at some point, but it’s unlikely. This is the second Pokemon game I’ve played (after Shield) where it felt like a waste of my time. The island trials and constant cutscenes are beyond annoying. And so many ridiculous blockades everywhere. Even the exotic Hawaii setting can’t save this. I guess for me this is where the demise of Pokemon began.

Those final scenes, man. Good lord. Make sure you have tissues at hand because there will be tears.

Enjoyed this way more than I expected to, in fact I think it might be hard for me to go back to Emerald. Hoenn has never been more beautiful and charming. The Delta episode was a nice addition and I really wish soaring would make a comeback.

I‘ve restarted this game a few times, each time hoping that it will suddenly click with me. Never happened. I adore the story and the way the game looks, but the controls and save system just aren’t for me. A good lesson learned though - just because you love Hollow Knight doesn’t automatically mean you’ll love most metroidvanias out there. Personally I’d recommend Death’s Door if you’re looking for a game with a similar vibe/gameplay to Hollow Knight.

So earlier this year I got summoned to jury service, but in the end couldn’t do it. The trial would be at least eight weeks long and that simply wasn’t going to work with my job. I’ll admit I was disappointed to be missing out on such a prominent case, and with all the media attention on the Johnny Depp/Amber Heard trial, I needed something to scratch my unfulfilled jury duty itch.

And that’s when I turned my attention to Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney. I can completely see the appeal of this game (and the rest of the series), but sadly it’s just not for me. Perhaps all visual novel style games aren’t my jam, or the backtracking to different locations annoyed me too much. I enjoyed the first two cases which served as a kind of tutorial, but the third case almost had me abandoning the game altogether. Definitely a return to form with cases four and five though. Tempted to give one of the later games in the series a go, but we’ll see.

Perhaps I’m guilty of overhyping this game in my head, but good lord was I disappointed with the reality. The controls are just awful. Worst and jankiest horse riding I’ve encountered to date, and don’t get me started on how Agro actually gets in your way during fights sometimes. From everything I’ve seen and read about this game, I can tell there’s a wonderful story to be told here, but sadly I don’t think I’ll be returning to this.

If it weren’t for the compelling story and characters, I probably would have dropped this within the first third of the game. The gameplay, while probably great in 2013, seems pretty lacklustre by modern standards and seriously made me question how there is still so much hype around this game.

That being said, I finally understand the comparisons made with A Plague Tale: Innocence, which so unabashedly borrows elements from this game. However, I’d sooner replay A Plague Tale than TLOU purely because I enjoyed the gameplay in the former much more. But the emotional impact of TLOU is far greater, which is why I’m keen to see how the HBO series will adapt it. I might even play the sequel at some point if I can find the patience to deal with the gameplay again.

Now I know why so many people say that this game is underrated. I was expecting a decent cowboy shooter, but it was way more fun and engaging than that. The gunplay is fantastic, but it’s the (sometimes unreliable) narration which gives this game so much character and charm. My only gripe is the length (you can easily finish this within a few hours), but it does have high replay value and is often on sale on Steam.

Cutesy game many of us would probably have loved when we were younger. There doesn’t seem to be much variety between the different worlds and the controls are sluggish, but younger me would have finished this purely based on how friggin’ adorable the LocoRoco are.

An inferior Tetris, yet with a greater variety of blocks. You will come to hate the ones shaped like plus signs.

Completed as a single player campaign. Neither amazing nor terrible, this game is just good mindless fun. It’s definitely a guilty pleasure that I enjoy returning to. There’s a decent amount of enemy variety, and each of the levels looks stunning. The 1930s Egypt setting has a similar vibe to The Mummy (1999). And who doesn't love The Mummy?

More coffee-making and less cringey dialogue please. I mean honestly, what was with the sex stuff?

Instead of gushing over how amazing the storytelling and gameplay is in this game (others here have done so far better than I could), I'll just say that as someone who teaches Latin and Ancient History, this game was an absolute joy to play with regards to Roman culture. The amount of time I spent wandering around looking for all the bits of graffiti (and having a good laugh at some, especially the one in the public toilet), or smiling when I found the lararium in Sentius' house, or listening to the compelling but also believable backstories of the characters, including a Vestal Virgin. A must for other Roman culture enthusiasts.

Twenty years later and this game still slaps. Still buggy and frustrating in parts, but overall a good ride. Word of advice - download the widescreen patch for this, it’s fantastic. Don’t know how I used to play this with so little of the map on screen.