I HOPE YOU FUCKiNG LOVE BEATING DEAD HORSES BECAUSE By the end of the game there will be no horse left
There is barely interesting happening with the characters and whenever something does happen it is then repeated infinitely times in saynettes until you lose all interest in it
Combat is very good, Some very good bosses. But if you play on Hard 99% of the time your party members will die before the end letting you finish it all by yourself.
Bad DLC practices.

Biggest disappointment for me was the music , which is not bad don't get me wrong but not varied enough in tone and gets weary quickly.

Despite the good character designs they are terribly written, both protagonists and the humor almost always misses.

Don't recommend unless you like Tales of Combat or plots that are at the same time nonsensical and easy to follow

Reviewed on Aug 04, 2022

1 Comment

1 year ago

This game is so bad man. Garbage music (which basically never happens in JRPGs), trash characters directly from a low tier anime, trash story, trash level design stuck in 2010 and GARBAGE combat. It's literally just spamming a couple of boring ass abilities against damage sponges.