My highly positive review during the beta is no longer relevant anymore because the massive downfall this game went through when it rereleased is so disappointing. Although there seems to be an effort in listening to feedback and fixing some problems, I doubt they'll fix the bigger issue of being such a money hungry game. This is becoming Clash Royale levels of greedy, and I don't mean that lightly in the slightest. Oh, and they basically made the actual gameplay slower and waaaaay more boring.

Also I keep fighting bots instead of real players nonstop. Is the game dead or something?

I never thought they could beat the original game, but my goodness they did it. Although there's a smaller cast this time, as well as a smaller campaign, it actually felt even better under the smaller playtime. The new moves and abilities added with the addition of Donkey Kong and Rabbid Cranky Kong really spice up the gameplay. Overall, it left me wishing more, even to the point of actually wanting a stand alone game of Donkey Kong and Rabbids. Imagine all the possibilities with more enemies and playable characters.

I can't believe I played this as a kid before being introduced to Mario Kart.

Forget it, I don't care. I think this is a decent kart racer. Plus, the songs go hard (most don't really fit the atmosphere of their racetracks, though). But yeah, the DS version is the worse version you can play it, given there's a lot of missing parts (stage elements, dynamic voicelines, etc.) that overal limit the full expirience of the PS2 and Gamecube version. Weird thought, but I wouldn't mind a reimagining of this game, with a lot of the new Shrek characters added (idk, racing as Death would be a bit funny).

Took me a long time to actually get invested in this thing (I actually bought this in 2019, and dropped it after a few hours in). But honestly, glad I picked it up again after getting into the Advance Wars series. I guess I'm accustomed to strategy games like these now, and this is a pretty good way to get introduced to the genre.

Fairly easy strategy game, though. But then again, it's targeted towards kids. So, if you're looking for a challenge, don't bother.

Neat little Megaman-like games that has its own charm through its artstyle. Even with the controls being wonky sometimes, as well as some unfair level design, it's still worth it for the price it usually goes for when on sale.

Miss the 3D effect in the 3DS version, though.

The first Mario game I ever 100%. It's that good.

To put it simply, this is probably the most polished, beautiful, creative, and thrilling 2D Mario game ever. Although Odyssey will always be my personal favorite, I won't really argue if anyone calls this the best Mario platformer.

The one thing that really bothered me though is the multiplayer integration. I'm not talking about the online, which doesn't allow you to actually interact with your friends or strangers (which I find fine, because it was still neat to see how others were doing as I played, as well as being saved whenever I died). No, I'm talking about the local multiplayer. The collisions between players are gone, which I find a bummer given that's what made multiplayer back in the New Super Mario games so chaotic and fun. Plus, the camera now only follows one player, which can get really frustrating and cause a lot of confusion and accidental deaths.

Surprised at the amount of content in this package, with loads of new things to do. None seem like things to just pad out the playtime. Definitely better than the last DLC (which was really solid to begin with, but short!), but not by much. I mean it's still the unpolished Pokemon Scarlet we're talking about. No amount of change will ever fix that.

What does fix this game though is that they added SWADLOON LETS GO MY FAVORITE POKEMON!!! 10/10 (oh and Zebstrika this time around as well)

Despite the simple premise, it's quite a lot of fun. I hope a sequel or update eventually comes so they could expand on the idea more with adding extra items, improving the AI, or just adding new playstyles that the AI could play. This could honestly pass up as a $5 game, not $1.20

One of the most charming, fun, and engaging strategy games... period. The new animations for the abilities are so cool, and the music is honestly my favorite OST for any video game behind TF2. Plus, there's so much content that I still keep playing way after beating the campaign mode.

Only complaints are that some levels feel like a chore towards the end of them such as the Fog of War ones (which basically means you can't see your opponent) and the final boss battles for each game. Oh and the online mode is terrible, cause you can't match with random people. Only friends.

Now all I ask is to put Andy in Smash Bros you bastards!

The most vulgar VN I've ever played. Decently funny at times, but its style of humor loses its steam after a while. Plus, the humor as a whole could just entirely not be someone's thing, given its edginess and vulgar language. Don't let the humor entirely deter you from playing though, cause there's some effective messages in here. Plus, playing as a protagonist that's a psychopath can be fun, and Nicole does not disappoint (though everyone in this game are psychopaths).

Just a warning though: it's very short, and doesn't have the best art. For those reasons, I'd say only get it if its on sale (or just watch a playthrough). Additionally, the '09 vibes it promised wasn't really that prevalent?

Nearly on par with the original game, meaning that the graphics are awful and lag is very common. Nevertheless, I like the newly introduced pokemon in this DLC, especially Ogrepon. Additionally, they added my favorite pokemon Swadloon in a Switch Pokemon game for once, so instant 10/10 for that.

Definitely has more value over the first part of the DLC for Sword and Shield. In fact, there's quite a lot amount of content this time around, so don't hesitate to pick this up.

Honestly, even with the simple gameplay, I found this to be a cute visual novel, even if it was short.

I'm very impressed with how each game in the series just keeps getting better in better objectively. Not only does this have the best cast in the series. Not only does this have the best gameplay in the series (Although, I do admit there is quite too many different minigames to keep track of. That is one minor complaint of mine). Not only does this have the best content (Besides this one fan service optional content that is very problematic, and if you've played the game, you know what I'm talking about). But this honestly had the best story in the series.

I won't further press on why I say "had". To put it simply, this was the most fun I had in a Danganronpa game until a certain event that rubbed me the wrong way. At first, I thought it ruined the game, but overtime I've grown to appreciate it for what it's worth. It still feels out of place, however, and I feel like it could've been reworked better. Without it, I would've called this one my favorite game in the series.

Also stop with the incest.

A new modern F-Zero game would slap, but this is actually a pretty great alternative. At least it's being acknowledged unlike other dead Nintendo series.