It's crazy to think that it's been a decade since this game came out. Indies were starting to gain a lot more traction and attention and Hotline Miami had its time in the spotlight. I attempted to get into it back then, but I found it frustratingly difficult to the point that I shelved it within the first half hour.

As part of someone's suggestion, I decided to revisit it again with an open mind. I certainly got farther this time, and I will say, I was actually enjoying it. But the satisfaction that came with the fast-paced mayhem did not last. Even as early as Chapter 3, the game's difficulty started to rear its ugly head again. And yeah, I know a lot of people will just say "get gud," but as someone who enjoys a good challenge from time to time, I don't feel like this game does it fairly.

Maybe it's just me, but aiming is a constant struggle in this game. Even when I try to sneak behind an enemy to line up my shot perfectly, I still somehow miss half the time. Spraying and praying is not an option either because that usually leads to every enemy being alerted of my position, and one of them is bound to kill me. And even if I manage to down a large group, it's hard to tell if one of them survived among the pile of bodies until it's too late and you have no time to react. Apart from that, you also have the really aggressive AI which often comes for you off screen...

I spent almost half an hour trying to beat Chapter 4 and when I got close to clearing the first area, some enemy sniped me from the very edge of the screen through a window. I didn't even know it was a window at first. That was pretty much when I threw in the towel. I just couldn't stand to persevere through the frustration.

Hotline Miami is definitely a game which shows its appeal. But between the janky aim controls and ridiculous difficulty, I find it hard to enjoy. I might never finish it, but I don't mind admitting that I'm probably just not good enough at its mechanics.

Reviewed on May 01, 2022


1 year ago

"a constant struggle in this game. Even when I try to sneak behind an enemy to line up my shot perfectly, I still somehow miss half the time."
do you not know that you can lock on to them

1 year ago

Yeah, but it's finnicky so I didn't really bother. Won't help me in the middle of a 10 man rush anyway.

1 year ago

if i beat this game on the ps vita it's not unfairly hard

1 year ago

if your shots aren't lining up it's definitely user error. this is like giving a low rating to a fps because you cant hit enemies

1 year ago

This comment was deleted

1 year ago

I already said part of it is my lack of skill, but I refuse to believe that there is nothing wrong at all with the aim controls. It's like there is a weird acceleration added at random to it. Sometimes I move and the reticle barely moves, and then sometimes it moves too much even though I don't feel like I'm doing anything different.

Why is everyone so upset by it anyway? Finding a game too difficult to enjoy is a valid point. Repeating a level for 1+ hour until I get kucky enough to scrape by isn't my idea of fun.