The most enjoyable fighting game to a majority of people. I play this game competitively and it is the most satisfying game I think I've ever played. A game that anybody can pick up and play, while also being a difficult game for people who want to improve, with deep mechanics and a countless number of characters to learn. It's no melee, but it's certainly up there. The hype for this game is also unrivaled. Truly a game to be remembered.

The story of this game is second to none. Actually the greatest story in any game I've ever played, and I don't think it will be beaten anytime soon. The gameplay is also very fluid, and the music speaks for itself. Top 3 game of all time.

One of the most important games of all time got a remake, and they somehow made it even better. They improved some of the more frustrating parts of the game, such as the water room, and overall modernized the gameplay and allowed this amazing game to be accessible to people who did not grow up with tank controls.

I can't believe I sunk 6,500+ hours into this game. It's fun but as somebody who often played the game solo, survivor was frustrating because there was no coordination and I could never count on my teammates, but killer can also be frustrating because you often face a bunch of 4-man teams. The game is fun but for me it's a lot more enjoyable when you play with friends, but since you're not always guaranteed to play with friends, I'm docking it points.

This game did something I never thought was possible, it made a British person likeable.

Masterpiece of a game. The gameplay is rewarding, the story of the game is an amazing, albeit loose take on Pinocchio, and the music is just perfect for the game. The best non-Fromsoft souls game, and it's not even close. As of right not, easily my favorite game of all time.

This game is nostalgia at its finest. I grew up playing this game, and even though I could never get past Destiny Islands, I fell in love. Even just those first parts of the game ooze charm, so when I got the chance to get this game through the 1.5+2.5 collection, I had to. I spent 40 hours in my first playthrough, and then another 60 getting the platinum trophy because I fell even more in love with this game than I did when I was a kid. If I could describe everything in this game, from the gameplay to the story, I would describe it as simple, yet clean (get it.) This game overall is an all time great for me, and I will forever appreciate my first playthrough of this game and what it means to me.

Very fun horror game. It's not as scary as I'd like it to be, but it felt more like an Evil Dead 2 type of horror so it worked for me. I also died quite a bit, simply on normal, although that might just be me. Overall a solid game that I'd highly recommend.