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Syphax earned the Liked badge

23 hrs ago

Syphax earned the Noticed badge

23 hrs ago

Syphax retired Star Wars Battlefront
Another Xbox One game to go down in infamy that I remember fondly. 16v16 with decent netcode. Large beautiful maps. 1 hero per team. Mostly no vehicles to worry about. And for about 1 month one of the most effective and overpowered combination of abilities in gaming history...

The Bacta Bomb, Jetpack, Adrenaline Stim, Berserker Trait and any weapon of choice turned you into self healing damage boosted juggernaut who could easily take on half a dozen players with the right ability timing and decent cover.

Let me explain how it worked before it was nerfed into oblivion by the end of the summer of 2016.
-The jetpack was available on launch and was a good get out of jail free card with a long cooldown. No accuracy penalties that I remember while flying so you could defend yourself well in 1v1s.
-The adrenaline stim was released in one of the first DLCs which provided constant healing for 10 seconds straight on a 20 second cooldown. Not sure on exact healing per second but it was very high. Powerful ability, but not game breaking on its own.
-The berserker trait granted a damage bonus while the player was not full hp while also making the player take much longer to start regenerating health. I believe the number started at 50% on spawn, went up to 75% at level two and 50% dmg reduction at level 3. So by level 3 which I believe was a 5 killstreak, you did almost double damage while not full hp and even took half less damage. Extremely strong in combination with Adrenaline Stim.
-But then on May 4th 2016 the Bacta Bomb was released which was the final piece of Exodia. A cooldown which replaced for what many players was the cycler rifle, that granted the player and team mates near you healing PLUS an overheal of 30. The bacta bomb had a long cooldown of 35 seconds but it simply did not matter.

So the broken god tier setup allowed for the following to happen. Character has 100 HP. Always has level 1 Berserker trait which is higher damage while hurt. Throws Bacta Bomb at feet. Now has 130 HP. 30% more health than enemy. If the player takes ANY damage the trait kicks in....EVEN WHILE ABOVE 100 HP. So If you shoot me while under my bacta bomb, Let's say I take 10 damage. I now have 120 HP and do more damage with my gun when I fire back. And then at trait level 3, that 10 damage I took now becomes 5....HOW WAS THIS ALLOWED IN THE GAME

My go to gun was the EE-3. Best long range potential while being able to defend yourself in cqc. With trait level 3 you could one burst players to the body, no headshots required.

Oh and the final kicker to this setup is in one of the last updates cooldowns were lowered if near your partner. So that Bacta bomb 35 second cooldown could go down to 20.

I easily held a 3.75 K/D while this setup was at full power mostly playing solo. Would challenge everyone, including players on heroes. You could activate stim or the bomb first and just willy nilly walk around fighting whoever you want then have a free 2nd health regen panic button whenever you needed it and then you could just fly away 50 meters in any direction.

I've played pve games where endgame gear wasn't as good as this gear in a fricken pvp game. I miss it.

23 hrs ago

Syphax completed Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
I kind of enjoyed not having any clue of what was going on as this was my first Metal Gear Solid Game. Absolutely adore Kojima's cinematography and direction in the cutscenes. Quiet instant Hall of Famer

8 days ago

Syphax completed Infamous: First Light
Fetch's gameplay is unique enough to warrant a stand alone DLC, but her story? Not so much

9 days ago

Syphax completed Infamous: Second Son
Breath of fresh air gameplay of a high mobility overpowered mutant running on a very smooth 60 fps in 2014. Very fun experience, not much replay value and renegade all the way

9 days ago

Syphax completed Bastion
What an outstanding foundation for Hades from Supergiant games

9 days ago

Syphax completed Returnal
The first game to really feel like we are officially in the "next gen" of consoles. My hot take is it might be a little too easy

One of the best games ever made

9 days ago

Syphax completed Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel
Master Duel's greatest strength is giving players who would never play the paper game irl a chance to relive old formats in a well designed online simulator. Dinos, a blind second ABC pile deck and Adamancipator are basically my 3 favorite decks of all time. Misc is still at 3, Union Carrier is banned and Block Dragon is banned. if they hit Misc I will probably quit Yugioh forever, but thats ok because I've only spent about 5 grand on the cards without ever playing any of them and well maybe 3 thousand hours over the last 8 years?

But what really matters is...will Maxx C ever get banned and can the game just be a little less laggy? No other complaints really.

9 days ago

Syphax is now playing Yu-Gi-Oh! Master Duel

9 days ago

Syphax completed GoldenEye 007
I, like many other boomers had some fun as a child on this game in the 90s. But just earlier this year I finally decided to really play it on my Xbox Series X through gamepass and it was a complete treasure. The audio design is so legendary, I can hear the guns in my head while writing this.

There are plenty of old games that feel dated as hell but somehow on this game it works in its favor. Just surfing around levels at full speed using the dpad instead of analog stick was a such a blast.

And the speedrun achievements are some of the most exhilarating and fun things you can do on a game.

I wasn't quite at Streets 112, but Archives was a doozy.

9 days ago

Syphax completed Ghost of Tsushima
The Haiku sequences come off so peaceful and respectful that I just feel so good playing and thinking about this game. Looking forward to your next work, Sucker Punch.

9 days ago

Syphax completed Resident Evil 4
As a 14 year old I remember being in a Gamecrazy and getting cut in half by a saw during the demo while my dad laughed his tail off behind me. And then I remember quitting the game during chapter 3 because the game literally gave me nightmares.

Over a decade later I decided to revisit Resident Evil 4 on the Xbox One and not only did it hold up, it was just flat out better than the modern games out at the time.

Who would have guessed a zombie game where you cannot shoot and move at the same time would be a masterpiece.

9 days ago

Syphax completed Titanfall 2
But the campaign was really good!!!

And the multiplayer was one of the biggest let downs ever.

10 days ago

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