Blacklisted Games and the reasoning

I'll put up here any games that I have blacklisted and explain my reasoning behind this which involves things such as political stances, misbehaving developer shenanigans and ect.

CW for the below (not ALL listings match all the CWs, but they belong on this list together because they're all abhorrent.): politics, violence, threats, insults, transphobia, homophobia, racism, antisemitism

Hogwarts Legacy:
As someone who had a couple of trans friends long before coming to terms with things myself I had gone from once being inspired by JK Rowling to being infuriated by her! It's one thing to have horrible and reductive views on gender, but when you are mobilising movements who support this backwards notion and use your wealth of funds to fight against people who have done nothing to you and even identified with your work, you have lost any initial power or support I would've given you. It's not a matter or merely disliking the trans community, but she has utter, unjustified hatred towards people who just want to live their best lives.

Beyond this, why the game? Well, the big issue in wanting to support this game is that Rowling has said, herself, that all her fans support everything she says, but are "too afraid" to speak up. Painting herself like somekind of hero to the revolution standing up to an over-powering authority figure when the truth is the reverse. She has also made certain to paint ALL of her fans as bigots with that statement and making it very difficult for fans of the universe she created to be fans as she's now painted them with the same wide brush as she's painted others so understandably there's a lot of hate. She'd essentially said this so that she could stir up the controversy and deliberately have her fans targeted so that she can play the hero to anyone who gets forced to feel "uncomfortable" from others being threatened by her actions taking it out on them.

I'm not the one saying that if you bought the game to play because you genuinely like the HP universe that you are a bigot. Rowling is saying that. Deliberately to stir up controversy and forcing her fans to become her martyrs so even if you didn't have a dog in this race, simply by getting this game she's put your money and reputation on it.

From what I understand of the storyline, I can't say that I would see myself in a positive role. Magical creatures want the same recognition are other wizards and there's seen as "evil" somehow which, I'll leave up any comparisons to you and will review the game when I get it in somekind of bundle from Humble Bundle or maybe even gifted. Regardless, it's on my blacklist so I am NEVER going to stream it because I refuse to give it any more airtime than it deserves.

Twitter link

Note: decided to add all HP games in general. I don't see why I should promote a transphobe in any way.

It's been revealed to me recently that the developer behind this Megamod had a server where as moderator and owner of it on Discord he allowed pro-nazi, antisemitic, racist and pro-paedophilic content to run rampant, before the server was shut down. This has unfortunately led to the issue of not being able to prove this much beyond witnesses as the server got nuked by the mods of Discord! That said, it's been reported that the creator, Dioxine, also used multiple slurs so on the one hand even if you try to defend this person by claiming no one can monitor their server 24/7, this stuff was going on, consistently, for a long time so not only did he know, he fucking too part in it!


Asshole on Reddit getting shut down

This has really upset me as it has become a recently hyper-focus for my autistic ass and I struggle to NOT play it throughout the entire day and night, but learning this also makes me feel filthy and certainly confirms certain suspicions I had about some of the lore drops in the game that I had assumed were just edgy stuff, being edgy.

It is kinda funny though that one of the major enemies, the humanists, who dress like Nazi's and KKK members you get to blow the hell out of and murder them all to defend the mutants who are treated like trash, yet the creator seems to be someone who would be dressed up just like those jackbooted thugs!

The mod is genuinely great! I can't say it's shit, because it isn't, however, from now on I'll not be streaming it anymore. Real shame as I loved it so much and it was fun to stream.

Stray Souls:
Another case of not only a incompetent developer, but one who also asset flips and when criticised for his disgusting stances on Twitter, responds by deleting posts and avoiding any and all dialog with the situation like the fucking coward that he is! Much like Jim Stephanie Stirling says in the video below, I'd at least respect the developer if he was outright confessing that he's a asshole and taking pride in it, VS this attempt to hide from it and hope that people forget or don't think about this.

Unfortunately, this also creates the problem where those creepy people who agree with him will buy his game which...well it sounds like it's so shit that those who actually bought this game quite literally fell on their swords, emptying their wallets and such in an attempt to "own the libs" which is just extremely pathetic and funny as now they're lumped with this game like a millstone around their neck!

Video Coverage

All modern Ubisoft Games:
Ubisoft: This company has arrived on my blacklist for already being French (joke), but the real reason it's here is how the company festered and propagated a culture of misogyny, sexual abuse and rape. Not only this but they were caught insider trading and when investigations into the rape allegations surfaced, they did, what the Catholic Church has done historically and shield the accused, making them "allowed" to leave the company with full severance pay, company stock and other benefits. Moving forward I cannot, in good conscience, promote any of their stuff.

In some ways it's a weight off my mind because can you imagine how many streams it'd take to finish the AC games I've still not played? Everything from Unity and beyond?


edit: It was pointed out to me that I had, wrongfully, attributed "The Lost Vikings" to Ubisoft when it's actually associated with Activision Blizzard, on the Blizzard side.

All modern Activision Blizzard games:
I have streamed The Lost Vikings, but that company is so removed from before it was known as Blizzard, let alone, the major purchase by Activision to merge the horrific scandles that go on.

There are going to be moments where I go back on this in regards to coop player games to stream with friends, but in general, this also helps reduce my streaming list, which there is no fear of it EVER running out.

There are a huge number of abuse cases that have gone on with this company, not limited to their support of China (by silencing those allied with Hong Kong protesters) and then trying to brush off the controversy as a "Tough E-Sports moment" as if someone had a "heated gamer moment" and screamed out a racist slur and not the fact they had removed the player from future events and then refused to pay him his prize money. Not to mention punishing the pod-casters who had obviously not predicted he was going to raise something political.

J. Allen Brack (and his hair) can fuck off with trying to wash the situation of them silencing political discourse to serve their paymasters in China who were upset that someone would dare voice their opinion on their abusive reach of power. Of course, much of this is similar bullshit that they say in regards to calling all their games "not political" even when dealing with extremely politically charged subjects, only people were actively being silenced, killed and imprisoned in Hong Kong for standing up to China.

Hogwarts Legacy
Hogwarts Legacy
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Assassin's Creed Odyssey
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 4
Far Cry 5
Far Cry 5
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Far Cry 6
Far Cry 6
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Assassin's Creed Rogue
Far Cry: Primal
Far Cry: Primal
Far Cry New Dawn
Far Cry New Dawn
Five Nights at Freddy's
Five Nights at Freddy's
Stray Souls
Stray Souls


5 months ago

uhh brother i think you confused Ubisoft with Blizzard Entertainment, as it was Blizzard who owns Lost vikings and also has the history of sexual assault on devs

5 months ago

You are correct in regards to the game. That was a honest mistake on my part because of the number of retro games I remember playing with the old Ubisoft Entertainment logo that would start up before so many fun classics.

It's also easy to confuse many of these big companies as the majority of them treat their employees like dog-shit and expect them to work like machines and produce Game of the Year quality games several times a year.

Again, thank you for calling that issue out. It was made purely off the back of my head as I hadn't finished the listing and I've now copy/pasted from my discord list, including the links to the various news groups that have covered the stuff going on at the time and some who continue to hold them accountable.

5 months ago

@pexo Forgot to add this

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