Basement 2019

Log Status






Time Played

58h 0m

Days in Journal

13 days

Last played

May 24, 2024

First played

May 10, 2024

Platforms Played

Library Ownership


So, just completed this and got the achievements so now's the time. What did I think of it?

Well I decided to put this into my offline games because I've been really itching to play a strategy sim for quite some time. Especially after seeing Undead Inc and thinking that it looks amazing! But I have to hold my cash back. Especially as opening reviews haven't been too...friendly towards it, but enough of that game what about this one?

The game is the story of someone who has an idea for a video game, however, he's unable to impress any investors and he has no money to make that dream possible, so he just goes out to get high and once he does he has the idea from his friend to get into the dealing trade! After this we are taken on a story where we deal in all kinds of illicit substances and keep getting blocked whenever we try to build up the cash to hire our programmers, artists and writers for the game as we get involved in a turf war, the police and even the biggest of all evils. Bitcoin!

The story has it's moments and can be a little funny, but I often found it not that funny, though the one thing I loved was the building up your group, selling/producing drugs to better equip your people before you start clearing up the map and taking everyone out!

I have my own petpeeves however. You are expected to get sales and depending on upgrades and such, you may not get that many sale a day where as the AI has no such restriction and merely by taking over properties, they have an increased income, allowing them to attack you and others with more people. They don't have to mess around with dealers to sell the stuff, producers to make the various products and take part in researching so they get a slight advantage there in regards to attacking since they seem to have no other actual function, which feels weird. It's like if an enemy in Command & Conquer had no harvesters, yet were still getting money to produce units to attack you with.

I still had fun with it though and I felt like some of the missions flew in the face of what you're taught earlier on, such as one requiring you don't sell anything, but have to produce to sell wholesale or how you get discovered if you have anything over $100 (most buildings and upgrades and units cost far more than this) which in these cases, I've had to look up solutions online which isn't fun. It makes you feel like it's your fault and that you were meant to adapt to these new instructions without being told how to deal with it...or maybe that's my Autism creating a block there...

Just checked it's price (as of 24/05/2024) and got to say, I think it's a little high for what you ultimately get. I've played cheaper and better RTS games out there. That said, however, there is a Sandbox mode where you can choose to have all kinds of buildings set up (though it's often random, only dictated by size) so you can truly play it endlessly if you want and set the AI to 3 so you can fight all the main villains in the game at once! There's also fun unique events that happen too, which are certainly worth a chuckle or at least gaining more money to keep expanding.

It's not a great game, but it did scratch that itch I had and would recommend it when discounted. It's certainly not bad, but it didn't really wow me much. Especially as your units can only equip 1 item, making things limited and often meaning that I NEVER choose certain items because, why would I bother with them when I can get a more powerful weapon?