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Time Played

87h 0m

Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

April 18, 2024

First played

April 12, 2024

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Like numerous WB games, there's a LOT to be said about it. Not just from the content, but also the press surrounding it, how it went in heavily on microtransactions and even has a Orc Merchant character who smirks and cheers whenever you spend money to get random Orcs in these lootboxes.

This has been changed and gutted, but it's clear that this game was built with that in mind from the very beginning as all Orcs and Equipment have a rarity value that plays exactly like mobile games and MMOs (Commons, rares, epics, legendaries being the highest) making it a fact that cannot be ignored as it permeates every part of this game. That said, let's talk about the gameplay.

All I really have to say about storyline and gameplay is that if you enjoyed the first game, then you'll certainly enjoy this one. Especially in it's current state and not how it used to be prevalent with micro-transaction filth. Now it's a far better game, though flaws have been cleaned up too. However you also still have things like daily challenges and ect that remind you of it's failed attempt to be a full-priced game that was lousy with Micro-transactions.

The story essentially continuing the fight and battle from the first game, but then getting wiped out by the Dark Lord and having to start over. Interesting idea, however the only issue I have with this is you don't start with the ability to dominate Orcs and we all know that's one of the most fun bits of this game is dominating and controlling legions of Orcs. There's even a mechanic later of bringing them back from the dead to be zombies that are under your control!

With many side-missions to keep you entertained for hours, one of the things I hated using was the fighting pit. You have no control over your Orc as they fight a different orc and even if yours is a Legendary that you've leveled up, improved their abilities and more, they can still be defeated by a Common at half it's level making you curse the fighting pits and just getting on with the far more interesting side-missions like collecting artefacts, uncovering the past or finding Shelob's fragments that are scattered throughout the world and give you a look in her role for the rise of the dark lord.

Shelob has the ability to turn into a sexy woman, because, it's not like that's been done a billion times before! Though I admit she did have the voice of the very sexy Claudia Black so I also would like to give it a pass too. You get an ability to summon spiders if you find all of them, but it's a shame that the spiders come in only one size catagory and you can't, for example, have a Caragor-sized spider to charge around on, but that's a minor thing and it's especially fun when you're hunting a captain who is terrified of spiders so you immediately break him.

Without giving spoilers, the ending is certainly an interesting one and gives you a reason to come back and keep playing it and in a way that fits the narrative of the story, even giving you new powers and abilities to try out.

The game currently comes on sale quite often so if you're interested in more Shadow of Mordor, then certainly go ahead. If you want a fun action game then this is certainly fun and worth the price it often is on sale. Especially if you can get all the DLC to mess with extra characters and stories.