This was a bit harder for me to try and be fully biased as I do remember this game from my childhood and really, it's just a basic and cute platformer, but I certainly try my best.

Croc: The Legend of the Gobbos is about this dragon that gets adopted by these furry little critters called Gobbos. Everything is peaceful, until this evil guy shows up to kidnap all of Croc's family. Fairly basic stuff and it doesn't try to hide that. The mission is to save the Gobbos, including their king and defeat the bad guy!

With gems as collectables and with it being a dragon, you can be forgiven for thinking about Spyro, but I admit Spyro is better in regards to both controls and platforming. This game suffers from stiff controls, due to being out before they created and made dual-shock a necessity for games moving forward to give greater camera control and ect. Due to this you will find yourself cursing to every deity you know whenever you fall off a platform or fail to make a jump or other issues that controls make worse.

The camera is pretty bad too. It doesn't matter too much as the levels are very linear so it's hard to get lost, but it only moves in the direction you are facing which makes turning corners or turning 180 degrees a challenge when the camera is looking at the wall. It isn't too bad in this game because of the levels being small, but the's much worse in that one.

It was a fun little game when I was younger, but it certainly hasn't aged too well and there are better platformers out there that have aged well and worth looking into far more than this. As much as my nostalgia wants me to claim otherwise.

Game + Stream

Reviewed on Nov 17, 2023
