I have to admit, I wanted this game ever since I saw the package back when I was in school, roughly 14 years ago. On the picture there was a weird creature with a tiger's head and a scorpion body and I thought that was totally awesome!

The story is about a young ex-war journalist named, Rex Chance. Oh yes, this goes way into B-Movie territory, which makes sense considering the major feature of the game is building up an army of creatures that have been genetically spliced to create new and terrible creatures that borrow abilities off others. In come cases the increased size is what's important, but in other cases it's the ability to fly through the air and drop rocks or zap with electricity. You receive a letter from your estranged father, but as you arrive you find not only his lab has been left unattended for so long, but you get attacked by Wolf scorpions. You're saved by your father's assistant and discover the project he was working on and help by using your rifle to gather DNA of various creatures to add to your ever growing Library to give you a wider range of animals to splice level after level.

The game balances this out by having each species have a research level category, so you can't start off producing the nastiest thing you can develop, but there is also a handy little library option to save creatures to so that if you only have high rank creatures in your selection screen, you can trade them out.

It's a very fun RTS and I've been loving the B-Movie feel from it too. I'd recommend it to any fan of RTS who is interested in seeing how a game might do certain things different.

Edit: Fuck level 14. Seriously, I HATE time-limited levels in strategy games!

Reviewed on Dec 04, 2023
