This is certainly an odd-duck from the usual Danganronpa games. We go from the VN style murder mystery journey to a third-person shooter where you fight off enemies that are slaughtering innocent people along the way.

Trying not to create spoilers for the other games is difficult with this, but the survivors from the first game help you out and save your life, not letting you know that you're actually related to one of the survivors and that they're ok, however, not everything is as it seems the those who are spreading despair are a group of children who were potential ultimates!

The weapon you have has multiple functions, not merely destruction and you'll need it to find ways to complete puzzles and get through rooms that are trapped and you need to disarm the traps somehow before progressing.

This game takes place before, during and after the second game with a certain character from the second-game rearing their head and aiding in the kids and their mission to spread despair and continue on the chaos brought forth by the Ultimate Despair and her last orders to them all.

The game was fun in the end, though I preferred the usual type of games that they are and I had a lot of fun watching the anime show that covers what happened during and after this game.

Remember to never give up on Hope!

Reviewed on Feb 21, 2024
