This one really takes me back, but I'll do my best to remember it as much as I can!

I remember reading the title on the rectangular box. Due to some naming conventions, sometimes the biggest word is read out so me and others would joke it was either "Super Smash Bros." or "Smash Super Bros." but this was a game that had the great idea, as demonstrated in the opening with the master hand, mixing up combat with multiple franchises from Nintendo's library that they had full rights over!

Again, as illustrated from the beginning, it's like those moments where as a little kids you could play with action figures and have people from totally different genres fighting each other because you didn't give a shit about copyright as a kid and exactly who was going to stop you from enacting the Enterprise encountering the Death Star or Luke Skywalker and He Man having a dual before taking on the staypuft marshmellow man!

The game was a fairly interesting fighting game, allowing movement up and down onto multiple platforms and with no actual health bar to speak of, you have to rack up damage on the other opponent until your hits are able to knock them so far away off the arena that they can't get back. It has many fun levels based on all the different universes that are interracting here with Hyrule, The Starfox, Pokemon centre and many more that I can't quite remember.

All the characters have their own abilities that feel unique to them and are, I feel, balanced in a way that it works really well. Not to mention all the items you can pick up and use to give yourself an edge and to reference the classic games they come from with the hammer from the classic Donkey Kong games, a pokeball holding a random pokemon, a fire flower and many others. Including a large crate that these items can arrive in.

Like any good fighter, there's multiple secret characters that can be unlocked and have later now just appeared in the sequels as starting characters.

The main campaign has you fight all the different fighters, plus a few unique ones like an army of Yoshis, army of polygon people (basic poly versions of in-game characters), a metal mario (Mario, but as he's metal he's much heavier and harder to knock out) and the Master Hand which, as a flying hand, doesn't have a % to be knocked out but instead, hit points.

Playing this game was a massive blast and it's very obvious to see why they made sequels of it years later for the follow up consoles that came after the N64 and I can't say I blame them.

Reviewed on Apr 23, 2024
