Play this game!
Ignore the haters. In terms of Campaign anyway, this game is one of the Call of Duty greats imo. Not only is the cast likable and semi-memorable; the game has a very unique feel compared to other CoD games. Space combat is handled very well, the ability to select your next mission out of order is excellent. The visuals still look fantastic!

This game came out at the wrong time, everyone was suffering from 'Future Fatigue'.
But if you are playing Campaign? Give this one a try! You wont regret it!

This game looked so cool. Played it for an hour with controls so bad I couldnt get past the tutorial!
The rest of the game visually looks really cool. Its a shame motion controls and a lack of joystick use were forced down its throat.

Fantastic Game! Peak RPG! Amazing start to a so far gold standard franchise!