A little too repetitive for me. When I made it to chapter two I did one more night and then dropped it

The change from the first game to this one is a big step to get used to but it’s seriously fun when you get into it, one day I’ll finish it one day hopefully

I loved this game and I wanted to finish it but eventually the quests started to feel very grindy and like I was doing the same thing over and over

What even happened from the second game to this? How is it so bad?

The game that started my journey to 100% every dark souls game. I feel tricked because this one is just so fun to complete that I figured every other game would be this incredible

I hate to say it, has a lot of stuff I like and less stuff that I hate from Dark Souls one

One day I’ll 100% this one. Four kings made me quit

God, I HOPE I can play a better game after this. I DESPAIR to think about the logic in this “puzzle” game. Seriously the first chapter is fairly fun but it only gets worse from there

Very fun game to play, only gets better going for every achievement

I really want to like it more it’s just so repetitive that I struggle to have fun for more than one or two runs. Used to be finished before more updates

My god it got worse. Props to them for an interesting idea where they use a bad ending from the first game as the premise for the story here but that can’t save it from awful writing and horrible puzzles. If I ever finish this it’s because I was forced to

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Interesting story and incredible music locked behind baffling choices, horrific things done to children and a developer with a piss fetish. Also probably check the devs hard drive

One day I want to go back and finish this. My laptop died and I lost all of my data but I’ll never forget climbing that mountain for the first time, it’s really an incredible experience

Complete fever dream in all the right ways

Age doesn’t affect peak. Always worth playing with a friend or three