4 reviews liked by TUMULUS

Watching two people grow and change because of the effect the other has on each other is pretty powerful. Also helps if you're a furry/scalie. Regardless I think this game probably covers one of the most important aspects of coming of age which is realizing that your actions have consequences and that other people are figuring shit out also: therefore what you do to them matters. As the internet dominates more of our lives day by day people will struggle to develop as they grow along side of it, literally forming the foundation of their developing minds. This degree of separation especially at a young age will make all of their choices all the more impactful as they enter a new stage of their lives potentially not understanding the implications of their actions, and what that'll do to those around them immediately or otherwise. Basically what im saying is if you have a tablet kid make them play a dating game parody where you bang a non-binary dinosaur with a snoot.

Great CRPG, certainly one of the best even among the "golden classics" on the Infinity Engine. It is also an improvement over Original Sin 1, which I enjoyed in terms of battle system (those elements combination and interaction with the scenery never get old), but it didn't click with me in other aspects. There are more interesting lore elements, plot with more fun twists, way less bland dialogues (some of them genuinely made me laugh, which is an achievement for a video game writing), more appealing area design. As an overall package it is pretty hard to think of better game in the genre (except, potentially, BG3, but I will check it later). If you compare it story wise with other games, there are better alternatives for sure. The story is relatively straightforward, but still was pretty entertaining to follow.

As cons I will mention several things. DOS2 can be dragging sometimes in terms of pacing, especially in the last act. I expected a bit more with "pre-made" characters story quests, they do make experience more engaging, they are still a bit lacking (I still recommend everyone to start the game with them, you can customize their builds however you want anyway). The game sometimes seems a bit restrictive due to necessity to find areas more appropriate for your current level. Also some fights can be too frustrating without cheese tactics.

Nevertheless, still amazing CRPG, which helped to revitalize the genre (I remember everyone being doomsayers during Mass Effect days, these are in the past).

like fire emblem but without all the shitty waifus and anime. i enjoyed the romance subplot between the two hobbit characters.