Maybe I didn't give it a fair enough shot but I wasn't a fan.

A genre defining game, amazing story + message, great music, and just fun.

The only Call of Duty I have fond memories of.

For a free-to-play game it has a lot of amazing content. I just get bored playing it though.

It was enjoyable for around 5 minutes.

It was fun for what it was, I have fond memories of playing with my bestie. However I got the game on sale because the retail price was WAY too much. Add in microtransactions and this game is a money drainer

Good memories but a GTA rip off with overused gimmicks.

Good memories if it, I liked the switching between protag thing.

Maybe it deserved more time but it bored ne

I didn't play it for as long as I should've but it was fun.

The concept is cool but it's a game with no real choices except the final one. BORED

Great fun, gets boring. Even now it has an active community which is rad.

It was fun for a bit, nothing that could compare to smash