2 reviews liked by Tanukuu

Is it called Coromon because the magazine that frequently leaks Pokémon news is called CoroCoro?

Pretty damn good Pokémon clone, all things considered. Hell, it does a lot of things better than Pokémon. It's well-balanced, the potential system is so much more fun than shiny hunting, the spritework and animations are phenomenal, repels are timer-based instead of step-based, you can change moves around on the fly, devolve your Coromon, change their color palettes, increase the battle speed, increase the overworld speed, change the type of spinner your Coromon was caught in, DEEP BREATH there are no HMs, no catchable legendaries, no intrusive gimmicks, and the story is...okay, well, it isn't that different from any other Pokémon game.

It doesn't need a phenomenal story, but the writing did take a noticeable "meme-y" dip in quality once you hit the desert town, but it thankfully picks back up afterwards. At least there weren't gyms in this one.

I vastly preferred the big boss fights you had at the end of each area, those were far more challenging. Actually, this whole game was more challenging than any Pokémon game I've ever played (if we're not counting Johto's insane level curves).

As far as negatives go, I missed Grass Types more than I expected I would. Those usually have a lot of fun designs and that was just absent from Coromon. There's no dual-typing, which means most designs don't stray too far from their gimmick. And while there are quite a few solid designs in the game, I noticed there were a surprising amount of...slime-inspired Coromon? Every type except Normal and Ice has at least one, with a couple having two. I mean, none of them are BAD, but I just found it a little weird that there were so many lmao

Anyway this game is pretty fun. If the Pokémon formula has gotten stale but you are still itching to play a monster tamer, give Coromon a shot.