4 reviews liked by TendenciasRiver

Capcom please let Ethan just live a happy life, this wimpy engineer doesn't deserve this.



It's been a while since the last time I've been able to finish a game in only 2 days, it felt quite nostalgic really, playing a zelda-like from early in the morning to late in the night. I enjoyed this game, exploring the map is very fun, but it has some flaws I've found annoying, mainly the combat which feels clunky and makes some of the bosses feel unfair. There is also a Dark Souls influence, which would explain the difficulty curve, but the gameplay doesn't manage to feel as responsive. Nonetheless, cool game.

Idk man, I just really could not get into the game despite how much I like the pixel art and overall vibe. The fishing gameplay felt repetitive and frankly boring, and the restaurant/serving gameplay is the same thing I've seen in hundreds of flash games.

The game had some promising further avenues and I've heard a bunch more kinds of content as you keep playing, but I just couldnt be bothered when the two big core mechanics felt so uninspiring

Me hicieron asesinar brutalmente a mi mejor amigo pero me dieron una torta