amazing campaign and awesome level maker, first game of an excellent trilogy (though the third game was rushed)

extremely fun and unique gameplay and immaculate soundtrack, that goes for the entire trilogy tbh

#1 favorite game ever made, even beats out mother 3 in that regard. incredibly charming, great varied and cultured soundtrack and alongside a fantastic campaign, the level maker is pretty intricate and it even has a built-in DAW, meaning you can make your music for your levels. the main meat of this game is player-generated content btw.

the campaign is not the masterpiece the other games in the trilogy are but still a phenomenal game that i'll always love even if it was rushed and buggy both at launch and throughout it's lifetime. level maker is improved from the other games and 3D movement is now officially supported

11/10, this is the most hilarious, soulcrushing and beautiful game i have ever played.

golden age of volition tbh, super fun game and story. its like gta but more comedic and chaotic