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(Replay) When this game was first announced back in 2015, I was very very excited about it. "Final Fantasy 7 is my favorite game ever! I love that they are remaking it" I thought.

Then, the drought happened. We heard nothing for 5 years. I had given up hope that it'd even come out, and even if it did, the recent Square releases did little to make me confident it'd be any good. But still, I insisted that I must play it.

And wow, was I happy to be proven wrong. It's a joy to play, the plot is fresh while still feeling largely the same, and the characters have been done justice in such a way, that I think these are the definitive versions of them. And on a replay, it more than holds up. It's more than I could have ever hoped for. But, that's only true of 90% of the game. The last 10% is new. Either fitting in new context for events, or adding entirely new areas and bosses. But the biggest change, comes in the form of the ending.

I believe I said something along the lines of "Woooooooowwwwwwwww. Nomura sure has some stones." There I sat with a very very mixed bag of emotions. Part of me wants to scream and the other half is exihilerated beyond belief. On one hand, a remake of Final Fantasy 7 as it is is now ENTIRELY GONE out the window. The ending changed everything. On the other hand, the possibilities of something completely new was incredible and I was very curious about it. In the end, I decided to remain excited. Whatever changes my bring, I welcome them, as I already know the story of FF7, and I'm excited to see them mix it up a bit, even if we end up in largely the same place at the end. Rebirth is only a few weeks away, and I can't wait to see what's coming next.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
