Third time I beat the game and platinumed it on PS4 . I love this game

Though short, fun from start to finish.

Bravo! It has been a long time since I played a shooter on a console. The campaign is amazing! Never gets dull. I played on hard my first time through and don't regret it though the fight with Viper was a pain.

Difficulty Played: Hard

Really enjoyed it. Very addicting gameplay and unique story. Once I understood the core mechanics it really makes it fun. The DLC/extra maps added some unique challenges. Ending got oddly preachy so knocked off a point. Looking forward to the sequel.

Difficulty Played: Normal

It's pretty creative with the genre.

Awesome throwback to all the Sony systems and franchises. Hope this team makes a full game. The first Sony platformer that I feel is almost as good as Mario/Nintendo platformer.

Difficulty Played: Normal

It was great playing this from Daud's perspective. Interesting big locations.

Difficulty Played: Veteran Low Chaos

This is for base game and all the expansions. I loved the vanilla version! It took me a few games and watching a few videos to understand the fundamentals but I beat emperor a few times now and play immortal.

This expansions add a ton. I like the variety in policy cards, units, tech, civs everything. Government feels like it plays more of a role. Buildings synergize more. Weather actually adds a lot to it (troops getting wiped out due to volcano is frustrating but also fun). Highly recommend.

Difficulty Played: Immortal

Glad I played again after almost 20 years. I enjoyed it through and through. I remembered most of the beginning but the middle to end I completely forgot. Humor is ok and the final boss is actually challenging. Have to look into the sequels.

Difficulty Played: Normal

One of the best stories, settings, and villains in gaming. Truly a gem I will play over and over again.

Difficulty Played: Hard

Love the game ever since I played on N64. The controls felt much more floaty. I started using the pro controler but Joycons were much better. Still, lots of fun, good challenge, camera was worse than I remember, still highly recommend.

This was loads of fun! This got me hooked to Civ. I played this first even though V was out because I wanted to go back as far as I could and I am glad I did.

Difficulty Played: Regent

Really enjoyed how the new civs play in particular India. Campaigns are fun but not too historically focused especially India campaign.

Difficulty Played: Normal

Base game is really fun, mods REALLY extended it (Caveman 2 cosmos). Come back to this multiple times every year.

Difficulty Played: Emperor

Solid game with an interesting story. Too linear. Powers felt limited.

Difficulty Played: Normal