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Time Played

4h 32m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

January 5, 2024

Platforms Played


There is a saying in the Berserk community that “nothing can prepare you for The Eclipse”. No amount of prior information or spoilers can mentally prepare you for how devastating it is to watch/read, especially within the wider context of the story. No matter how much you know, you will still be shocked when you experience it firsthand.

Nothing can prepare you for the Infested Chopper in Devil May Cry 2. No amount of hearing from DMC fans “just skip this one”, “it’s the worst game by far” can prepare you for holding the shoot button for 10 minutes. IN A HACK AND SLASH. And that’s basically how you deal with everything in this game. Trying to use the sword will literally fling enemies away from you, and the guns do enough damage that combined with Devil Trigger you just melt bosses. You also get stunned from most attacks which further dampens any semblance of enjoyable combat.

For the first couple levels you think "this isn't that bad" but then the boredom sets in. And then you get to the infamous Infested Chopper, which is probably where most people quit, but beyond that is where the real garbage sets in. Bossfights in particular are complete trash in this game. The rest of the game teeters between dull (I recommended a podcast or music playlist to maintain sanity) and frustrating.

Levels are incredibly linear, even compared to the first game, it all just feels so bland, even if the factory was a cool contrast to the medieval/gothic DMC1.

I have no idea wtf is going on in the story. DMC1 has a pretty basic story, but this one basically doesn't even have one at all. Dante just kind of shows up in different locations and it looks like Lucia is doing something important when you run into her.

A nice change from DMC1 is that now there’s a visualiser to show what you’re targeting. But I also have no idea how to choose who to target which is annoying for boss fights with multiple hitboxes. Like just target the actual fucking boss so I can get it over with ASAP!! The targeting also worsens the already unhelpful camera as it tries to drag it towards the enemy. Trying to hit the blue orbs (in Mission 14 especially) is terrible because of the targeting making you miss them.

Platforming is not good, again unhelpful camera. Also that one mission where you're in the spinning ball room. Fuck that so much. And trying to hit the blue orbs in the air in Mission 14 is terrible

There were multiple points where the same enemy kept spawning over and over again, and I thought “am I doing this right?” only for the solution to be, yes, kill 6 larvas after the boss died, in order to progress.

I like - in theory - the new respawn system compared to DMC1, but having gold orbs auto-consumed is annoying

Terrible voice acting (that's saying something)

Also why does the villain look like Lee Van Cleef

I lost structure writing this review because I actually do not want to think about this game anymore