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On a quest to review every VR Rpg.

I know it says early access but it hasn't been updated in years. At some point you become fair game.

Quite frankly I don't see what people like in this one.

Usually a random generated dungeon crawler at least has a randomly generated dungeon. This does not. You get to the end of a room, click the door, fade to black, next room loads, repeat untill you get to a boss room. It feels rather lazy to not even link the pieces together. (You can't go back at all.)

The combat is fine, and with the decent graphics and intense pace it can actually be quite fun at the start, it just doesn't last since the non linked dungeon pieces start repeating VERY fast and you'll have seen too much of what it has to offer too quickly.

As far as the RPG elements go, you can actually chose your armor, which does affect your stats. You can allocate statspoints to turn you into a Warrior/rogue/mage.

The weapon upgrades are given to you in lootboxes, yes. Lootboxes, the most immersive of mechanics. You have no control over it and it just feels out of place.

Overall, it can keep you entertained for an hour or two, it had no staying power for me. I feels unfinished because it obviously is.

On a quest to review all VR rpgs.

It can be hard to get over the looks of this game, it looks so...well it looks bad, there is no getting around it.

The combat varies a lot depending what you prefer, the magic is actually quite cool with its gestures for different spells, the bow is a bow like any other..and the melee feels kind of bland apart from having to parry.

There's a decent amount of variety, to the point that some levels are just way more fun to play than others. I disliked the castle level so much I called it quits on 3 seperate days.

This is the only "vr rpg" I've played so far that I feel actually tries to be an rpg. Its roleplay elements aren't great, but they are atleast trying to do the basics here. There's dialogue options, weapon upgrades, stat increases, a shop. etc etc. So it is trying.

Sadly the dialogue options don't matter at all. The stat increases are just random items you run into in the world, and the talent tree is only useful for fighting random enemies in the world. As most bosses require a specific solution to beat, and that solution is usually magical in nature. Not to mention the enemies that pretty much can't be killed by melee at the end of the game.

I sound negative, because there is a lot of negatives. That still doesn't ruin the game though, it is more of a complete package than most vr games, and it has quite a few enjoyable moments.

Good on a sale, or if you want a "zelda" like vr game.

On a quest to review all VR rpgs.

There is some things to like here. There are a few decent bossfights and the game can look pretty good despite its over-reliance on store assets.

That being said, it really isn't an rpg. You make no choices, there's no stat increases. You can pick a weapon and spend some gold for potions, thats it. At the least it actually has a storymode with some variation in it so it beats most of its competitors in that regard.

It is sadly very easy, which makes the cool bosses a bit of a joke. There's some bugs here and there but none that made me have to restart anything. At worst its lets you skip locked doors etc.

Its ok if you get it on sale. Lasts 4-6 hours I'd say.