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1 day

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March 12, 2024

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I'm writing this on the eve of the launch of the second round of battle passes for this game - so I suppose we can call this the 'launch window' review for Helldivers 2. I'll probably log another one later this year with more thoughts on it, and weigh in on its post release content.

Anyway; this thing is incredible. One of the most manically fun shooters in years, and a live-service format that would actually make you believe that such a structure could be the future of games.

The chaotic, orbital striking, friendly-firing nature of Helldivers 2's gameplay is super addictive. It certainly seems as though there is a Left 4 Dead style 'director' working behind the curtain of the game - as each round takes familiar elements and makes them feel totally unique. No two games are the same. Each victory feels hard fought, each defeat is... well, usually hilarious. The options at your disposal, even now before they roll out more, are all really exciting. You can play a number of different ways, and despite some players griping about metas, there is plenty of valid approaches and a bundle of weapons to experiment with.

The tug-of-war world map that updates daily is such a clever implementation of the live service format; it really makes the game feel reactive and gives the community a sense of cohesion. People despair at lost territory, and celebrate when updates like fuckin' MECH WALKERS! are earned by liberating planets in the game.

On top of all that; it's a wonderful AAA-type presentation for a $40USD game. Fire, water, fog, smoke, spark effects are beautifully rendered and create a cinematic vibe, while the music is quite underrated amidst all the praise the game is getting.

The only thing holding it back right now is the server issues. It was understandable at launch; this game took even the devs by surprise. But even after things were 'fixed,' issues have persisted - especially around events like the launching of mechs, as players rabidly jump online at once to test things out. Again; its a game that has way over-achieved, and they're doing their best to deal with it. But I can't say that there hasn't been a decent share of frustration.