Overhyped, but great game. It's worth getting over the steep learning curve in order to experience all the unique levels down the road, and the Pizza Time! OST is straight balling.

Would be better if I didn't have to use a guide to figure out how many people were in a building and to not get destroyed at the beginning of the game, but became a decent shooter after getting the hang of it.

Great story, not so great combat.

One of a kind bullet platformer. Definitely play if you like cute anime girls and insanely difficult bosses.

Made me a 2B fan after my friend made me a 2B hater.

As my first entry into the Resident Evil series, this game was absolutely incredible. Loved all the threats and ammo conservation gameplay, as well as having the map automatically update when you clear rooms/see something important.

A genre defining game that still holds decently well 10 years later. After getting past the water monster that traumatized 14 year old me, I came to realize how terrible the respawn system is in this game - it's practically an infinite lives system since you keep your inventory on death and can "delete" enemies by dying to them.

Frontwing with another emotional rollercoaster VN. Overall the routes were incredible (especially the main routes), and there was only one route that was kind of weird (the shrine maiden one).


Great game with friends. The rating doesn't mean much since I was playing in multiplayer with infinite respawns, but I had a good time.

Great action game. In exchange for motion sickness, I got to feel like a badass robot for a few hours.

For my first entry into the Fallout game, it definitely had some charm, but I couldn't care less about the story and world building (which is apparently why people play these games?) The shooting was fun but the braindead AI and HP tanks weren't a great experience.

Why is the writing and characters so cringe. Why are enemies so tanky just because there's two players. The only reason it isn't rated lower is because it's still a modern Wolfenstein game.

Incredible rogue-like game from start to finish. Made me have faith in the rogue-like genre again.

Pretty fun Sonic game. Despite all the praise for this game, it didn't change my mind about the Sonic genre and the final boss was one of the worst designed gameplay experiences ever.

As my first entry into the Remnant series, the gameplay blew my mind. Bridging the gap between shooter and dark souls rolling in a beautiful way with insanely fun bosses that will kick your behind. My only gripe is that I wish I could see everything without having to use a guide.