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Postal 2
Postal 2

Dec 05

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In the recent revivals of retro FPS games, many of which are awesome, there are still none who reign over DUSK. Amazing combat, fantastic music that has you handbanging one minute and gloriously immersed the next, and campaign that constantly surprises you with the level design. The king of the new classics, the boomerist of boomer shooters, nothing even comes close.

If I had to describe a perfect game by giving an example, Portal is the answer I think I would give.

The campaign is immaculately paced and well-executed by almost every metric. Despite being a short game that can be beaten in 1-3 hours depending on skill and memorization, it makes great use of the time you spend with it and never wears out its welcome either. Every level of the game is constantly introducing new puzzle elements and obstacles, subtly teaching you about how they can be used, before the intensity ratchets up and puts you into perilous situations that are enhanced by the minimalistic and mysterious plot. The third act of the game is amazing, as is the final boss which I won't spoil.

Because the campaign does such a good job of introducing the puzzle mechanics, including placing portals, moving boxes, pressing buttons, and using moving platforms, you can use the knowledge that you've built to conquer the game's various challenge levels, which I have done for the sake of achievement completion. These levels and challenges are seriously tough and may be frustrating to complete, but they are a worthwhile addition to add extra replay value to an otherwise very short game.

Postal 2 feels like a joke. It's janky, has lots of instability issues, and doesn't even look very good even for the time it was released. Its humor is sometimes offensive and always low brow, it has cartoonishly extreme levels of violence and gore, and features a protagonist who, if handled by any other team and put in any other game, would be the most ridiculously edgy character ever made. If that combination of elements sounds horrible to you, then the game probably won't be able to convince you of its quality no matter how much or how little time you spend playing it.

At the same time though, every aspect of this game feels handmade and never feels soulless or designed by committee like so many video games are these days. The open world style levels are expansive and have tons of secrets to find. The ambiance of the world is so rich that this cartoon world almost feels real sometimes. The NPCs interact in odd and often hilarious ways. The scenarios that you find yourself in, whether they are the daily missions where mayhem is scripted to occur, or just randomly coming into a chaotic scene in the open world, always entertain due to their absurdity. The amount of things that can happen in this game can always surprise you and make you laugh.

Postal 2 might not be a product of any kind of good sense, but it succeeds anyway because all of the elements click. It feels cobbled together by a bunch of people who cared about what they were making and obviously had fun doing it, implementing whatever stupid, fun ideas just because they could. What that means in practice is that Postal 2 is ridiculous, charming, and loads of fun almost all the time.

Please play this game and support the devs and publisher, Running With Scissors. They deserve it for making this excellent game and also continuing to improve it with quality of life patches and content updates.

I've finished game and its DLC multiple times, as well as unlocked all of the achievements. The achievements list was very challenging to go through, but ultimately it was a good time since I was so familiar with the game by the time I attempted the difficulty related achievements.