Just a Fake overwatch, not very good either

Really awesome game, brings VR to the next level

I am so glad that Halo finally came to PC with this, just waiting for them to bring over 5

I really tried getting into this game but the UI is just too ass

really solid game, just wish the devs didn't abandon it

I know its not a fan favorite, but it has a soft spot in my heart for being my entry into halo as well as FPS as a whole, and It may be a hot take, but I enjoyed spartan ops

The only farcry ive really played, had lots of fun with it tho

Dope ass music, and lots of awesome memories

Easily my most hours on any game (except maybe minecraft)
Even with all of its flaws I still love it. What can I say, im a sucker for looter shooters.

Honestly really solid game, not a huge fan of the multiplayer but the campaign is one of my favorites in halo. also the remastered edition is excellent

pretty fun game, love killing Nazis, though the gunplay is a little weak

One of my Faves, even if I never beat it XD

One of the greatest halo experiences out there.
everything about it is great, and I will fight you on it