People love to shit on Call of Duty, yet every year it remains one of the best selling games, "but it's just name recognition" "it's just manipulative gameplay systems" the haters might claim, but here I will attempt to justify Call of Duty's continued existance.

1. The campaign, Call of duty campaigns were fun until Ghosts, then they were shit untill modern warfare 2019, and now (minus Vanguard) they're pretty great again. I have nothing else to say about the singleplayer side of Cod, they have lots of fun spectacle, some decent stories and they do at least try a few new things every year

2. Economics of fun. Most people have limited time or money to play video games, for people with limited time call of duty is something they already know they like with a few changes, it's comfort food. For people with limited money it's provides an endless, addicting gameplay loop, but unlike games like battlefield or counter strike, it has goals to work towards (unlocking all the different camos for all the guns or hitting max prestige.)

3. Instant gratification. I can't think of any other game that does this like Cod, each match is around 10 minutes, it doesnt matter if you leave halfway through, and you are constantly rewarded by getting kills throughout. You get in quickly, get satisfaction quickly and consistantly and you can leave whenever you want with basically no negative consequences.

4. The Wow effect. Call of duty is like an MMO but each expansion is a seperate game. You buy one version of the game, access all the content, level up have fun etc. Then next year the new expansion comes out where you do it all again, but you still will always have access to the state of the game in it's previous iterations. The appeal of this is while the framework is very similar, new additions, aesthetic changes and minor tweaks can be applied while still providing the same enjoyment that people know and love. And you can always go back and play a previous version of the game which you liked better.

Assessing MW2 as an individual entry it's almost everything I want in a Cod game, really good sound and visuals, a enjoyable (and less morally questionable than the 2019 entry) story, the same addicting gameplay with some welcome changes, the only issue I have is the PvE side is lacking.

My dealer Infinity Ward has pulled through again with another quality dose. The stuff Sledgehammer sells me is always spiked and smells bad, and Treyarch's quality is all over the place. Now if you'll excuse me I need to shoot up

Reviewed on Nov 04, 2022


1 year ago

you wrote these bullet points as if they were good qualities but all i see is a list of reasons as to why cod sucks ass and has since like, black ops 2

1 year ago

you really have the "Consoom without thinking, get me the next game" mentality

1 year ago

solid bait