This is a dumb knock-off of the first God of War in virtually every way.

Combat, visuals, main character, progession, pacing and large segments of the story and storytelling.

And it's a bad one.

Dante's Inferno falls flat on it's face every. single. time. it tries to flesh out it's own identity and fails spectacularily at even hinting what a monumental work of western literature Dante Alighieris Divine Comedy actually was.

That being said, this game isn't offensively bad or anything. It's just a worse version of the first God of War (which was not even a good game to begin with).
You can sit down and propably play this. It will propably be an underwhelming bore, but you're not going to hate yourself while doing it.

And at least this game tried something somewhere along the line and it just didn't work.

That's why it's not complete garbage.

But you do not need to play this. At all.

Usually people learn from these kinds of games...

shame that EA didn't learn.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2021
