Super Mario Galaxy 2 is, while fun and competently made, a soulless husk of a video game with all the charm and personality of the first game removed replaced with... levels.. and a spaceship... formed like a Mario-Head.


It has no characters, no charming rosalina story, a throwaway intro that seems like a borderline parody and no Hub- or Overworld to offer.

It has not even a fleeting shadow of the feeling of achievement and triumph that made the first one such an amazing video game.

There is just... levels. More levels. That's it.

... and Yoshi, I guess. But since I fucking hate Yoshi, that is not a positive right there.

This absolutely should have been a DLC to the original and how anybody could ever think of this as a better game than the first Mario Galaxy is utterly beyond me.

Reviewed on Feb 28, 2021


wow you know nothing

2 years ago

Thank you.

I will treasure your words of wisdom.

2 years ago

good, remember that forever
reyn leave this man alone smh