Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

3 days

Last played

February 25, 2023

First played

November 1, 2021


Sonic Heroes is a game that I want to enjoy, but it does so much to shoot itself in the foot that my fun with it is fleeting. There's a lot of genuine enjoyment that I get from playing the game, but so much frustration, tedium and anxiety all bundled into one hard-to-digest package.

I'm glad to have fully finished it for the first time so I can cross it off the bucketlist and say that I've done it, but would I go back to it again? ...maybe? Stockholm Syndrome really sets in for me with this game more than any other Sonic title. Still, I'd rather play Shadow the Hedgehog again any day of the week, for I find it a far more polished and playable game, and one that ironically puts me less on edge at all times than this one does with its inconsistent physics, random deaths and overly overengineered levels.

"Why do you only ever play bad games when you visit?" - Bisylizzie 2021

(Played to the end of Team Sonic's campaign)