I don't care much for this game honestly. Enemy placement and attack patterns are extremely trial and error to the point of needing to be memorised to a tee at times, something that comes into other Kirby games but only typically if you choose to play without copy abilities. Kirby 64 does it all the time throughout the course of gameplay.

Said copy abilities are OK, but mixing can either be very cool or extremely underwhelming and there's no in-between. Kirby also moves ridiculously slow which makes the entire game just feel sluggish and at times unresponsive. Paired with the aforementioned enemy placement, and this game can get frustrating very quickly later on, which is a shame as it starts off so strong and free from the BS that plagues it later on.

There's still a good amount of fun to be had, but it's not a game I really enjoyed much previously and that's only changed slightly on returning. Minus Dream Land 3, I can now pretty confidently say that the "Dark Matter Trilogy" just isn't my cup of tea. I greatly prefer the style of Kirby games that came before and after this point.

Reviewed on May 21, 2022
