As someone who’s a big fan of Radiohead, this was quite a treat for me, since I love Kid A because it’s one of my favorite albums of all-time and from Radiohead. While for Amnesiac, it’s a great album, nothing else to say.

Well, where do we begin? There isn’t seem to be any gameplay as it’s much more of a walking simulator and you look at the visuals and listen to some great music. So, I’m going to the part of the music and visuals.

Well, the visuals and music are wonderful. Since to me, the visuals during the Kid A and Amnesiac era of Radiohead is fascinating, and make the comforted viewer uncomfortable, while making the disturbed viewer comfortable. The transition of that style from the blips to this “game” is pretty well-done. My favorite part of this “game” is the “Ascension” area, because it has the best song from Kid A (Motion Picture Soundtrack) and it had the visuals of the Kid A album art, which both fits well with each other. Another part is the “HTDC, Pyramid Song, You and Whose Army?” section where the visuals fascinated me and the music is the best songs from the respective albums they came from.

Do I recommend it though? Well, I would only recommend it to the hardcore Radiohead fans as they would appreciate it more than the people who play videogames.

Overall, a 8/10.

So, I’ve played this game… Have to sadly say that this game is bad due to a lot of reasons.

First the story. The story right here shouldn’t be treated as a horror, because of the topics shown here and I feel like it disrespects the topics with horror. Other Silent Hill games have topics related to mental illness among other dark topics, but this is kind of taking it too far a bit, and how they portray it is not even that good.

Now, the gameplay. Just genuinely really boring with nothing special at all. The only thing unique from this game is the chases and they were not fun at all, they were completely unfair and it’s like Hell traversing these mazes to know where the Hell you would go. I actually gave up on this game, because of these chases, especially the one where I had to collect pictures. That’s just overall tedious. But the game being set in first person is sort of unique, even though P.T. did that better, and that game (even though I sadly haven’t played it) had much more better qualities than this game. Hell, even the graphics in that game looks better than this game right here, which look like PlayStation 3 game.

But at least, we have that Silent Hill 2 remake coming though, genuinely hope that game is good.

Overall, a 3/10.

Gravity Rush is probably one of the most unique games I had ever played in my lifetime. There’s many reasons as to why I think in that specific way.

First of all, the gameplay of this game is really different and interesting compared to other games with its gravity-shifting powers, while the combat system is average and nothing really new but compared to the gravity-shifting powers, it’s really fun. I wished though there’s some improvement on the combat system. I also think that the challenges were ok, but I find it sort of fun with the gravity sliding challenges in contrast of those with other challenges.

Second, the art style and designs of characters and the music. The art style is really good and appealing, but seeing the art style in-game kind of was unappealing to me because of the shaders but I got attached to it though. The designs for characters are also good, mostly those for the shifters (Kat and Raven) and the nevi enemy designs. I think the music is pretty good, it can be catchy with

Thirdly, half of the story in this game is interesting and both Kat and Raven are the only good characters in this game. Nothing else I have to say in this section.

However though there’s two flaws in this game, which affected my whole experience with this game.

The story and some of the characters here is a mixed bag like even though some parts are appealing, there’s however parts that I find not appealing. The characters (mostly minor or side characters) are highly unforgettable compared to Kat and Raven, in which I feel that their characters were written more than than the minor and side characters. Even the antagonist in this game is not even interesting and that he himself as a villain, doesn’t seem like a huge threat and is much more of those minor villains in those comic books issues you read.

Some of the bosses are kind of underwhelming as you just use combat abilities while using gravity-shifting. There’s no innovation whatsoever, I just wished there was more to the bosses.

Anyways, wondering if Gravity Rush 2 would be a major improvement over this game here.

Overall, an 8/10.


This review contains spoilers

Gris is one of those games that you’ll play one time and not play it again, but still think of it from time to time.

The reason is why I think that way is quite simple. That being the presentation.

I feel that the presentation is definitely the best part of this game, it’s something that I really appreciate as it gave me such an experience. Whether it be the phenomenal artwork in this game and euphoric sounding soundtrack that accompanies it. Also, the overarching story in the game, while I sort of realize this game being about the concept of loss, but I haven’t realized that it was about Gris’ mother’s death toll I looked it up and it made me sad to say the least and maybe the reason why this game is stuck to my mind.

But it kind of lacks in other departments though, especially the gameplay and the runtime of this gameplay. The gameplay is so simple albeit a bit fun with it’s sort of puzzle-solving aspect and the strange yet cool platforming, but I wished there was much more into it. Like there’s three abilities in the game overall but there’s sort of no innovations whatsoever besides from the puzzles. I had a sense of disappointment in this games runtime, I wished it was much more longer, yet in that runtime of the game I had consumed it was like an adventure like I had no other compared to other games, which I had to say is definitely a positive. Still nonetheless, wished it had a longer runtime.

Overall, if you just want a game with similar themes but with much more innovation in its gameplay, then I’ll recommend you the game, Celeste (2018). If you want to play this though, because of the presentation in this game, then go ahead, but I would definitely wait for a sale for this game, because of what it provides in the long-run.
