Absolutely loved this game! GOTY contender for me. It took a while for exclusive games to release, but now that they're coming? They're coming in hot.

I love it when Spider-Man games allow you to swing from building to building, and this game doubles down on that. Spidey controls phenomenal here and I often found myself having a blast during the story mode just swinging around. There's almost never not something to do here. There are many challenges and side quests introduced as the story goes on, taking photos are fun, and even the story can keep you invested for a while.

Playing this game was an absolute blast from the past. It's full of charm and lore, and very fun gameplay. There's a built in speedrun timer as well, which I used often. The camera was a bit buggy at times, but don't let that stop you from checking this out.

I love this genre of games, and I love One Piece. It retells an abridged version of the Straw Hats' journey on the seas. The charavter design leaves a bit more to be desired, but with how unique the characters of One Piece are I really can't complain that much.

The greatest of all the Smash games so far, yet I often find myself bored. I had to push myself to finish the "story" mode, online is a bit of a mess like always, and all the remaining game modes are too minor. This game's selling point is the roster, that brings every character from the old games into one—for better or for worse. The dlc picks are often ranging from questionable to awesome, but thats really all I can give. It's fun at parties, I guess.

I absolutely love this game! The story mode isn't much, but the online is where things get really good. The sheer amount of customization options as well as the perks outfits give allow for many combinations.

Wow this invocation card gimmick needs some major work, as does the difficulty creep during the story mode. There are alternative game modes that allow for a fun time when you're bored, however.

The game is still a work in progress and therefore leaves a lot to be desired: mods are definitely carrying this game. It by itself is a fun little distraction.

Its a fun time. Sort of. Only if you manage to find competent people to play with and a full lobby. Your friends also work to play with, clearly.

I ADORE this game. The world of bugs has never been so appealing.

People often overhate this game. It could be way better, believe me, but its not totally trash.

It's alright. Its one of those games where if you aren't playing with friends, good luck having fun. People will leave the match without giving the teammates a chance to save them, screwing up the rest of the game. Killers will camp or only chase after one person, it'll lag sometimes, its overall just meh.

Played a bit of this when my cousin leant me the game for about 1 week. I didn't finish it, but that's due to how lost you can get: and thats a good thing. I spent a lot of time grinding in the labyrinth. Shame how underrated this game is.