Its kind of a short game. The controls could be better. I love the music, however.

I can't believe I went through the effort to beat this game back then. I'm looking at it now and it's pretty trash. It gets 3 stars because hey at least younger me had fun.

A blast when I don't have much else to play.

Joker: I absolutely love Atlus and Persona. This was a very strong start to an otherwise alright dlc wave. 10/10
Hero: Dragon Quest is a very popular series yes, but I feel little to no attachment to the series. The wide array of moves is a super cool plus but otherwise I could take or leave this one. 7/10
Banjo: Holy YES. I love Banjo! This was the reveal a TON of people wanted, and I felt the hype. That was amazing. 10/10
Terry: hadn't played any KOF or Fatal Fury games until this one. Terry is a blast to play as and needed fighting game representation. Don't even get me started on the song list. I was quite content with the fighting game representation now. More on that later. 9/10
Byleth: No.

Fine. Fire Emblem is an alright series yes but this was in no way necessary. At least swap them with Terry in terms of reveals to make the end of the pass not seem like such a let down. The stage is alright though. 3/10

Overall: 39/50. Not bad, but could've been even better. I was content with Ultimate then. Cue the second fighters pass, which went from hype to disappointment.

The soundtrack is on point! Gameplay is... alrightish

Right about now, it's time to rock with the biggity Buck Bumble
Bump to the bump to the bump to the bass
bump to the bump to the Bumble
Bump to the bump to the bump to the bass
bump to the bump to the Bumble
Right about now, it's time to rock with the mediocre Buck Bumble
Played emulated, though I doubt that's even the problem with this game.

I'm not even a fan of melee, I just really enjoy using this as a base for a multitude of other quality mods

Game crashes whenever Sonic is on screen! Asides from that, really fond memories from childhood that while it doesn't quite hold up today, modding helps with that a ton.

DANG this game is a blast with friends. When you aren't playing with them? Meh.

Actual interesting game that, from my understanding, has a shitty community. Not checking out the other games any time soon, and surprisingly nor is it a necessity to understand the story. 1 is a good enough ending.

Way to make me not want to play digimon games

You just repeat the same thing over and over and over and over again! It's fun for the first hour or two. Then that's it.

Its Adventure Time. I like Adventure. I like Time. I like Adventure Time. I like 3DS games. I don't like this Adventure Time game on the 3DS.

It's Pac-Man. It's... alright, actually. I just suck at getting past round 3.