Log Status






Time Played

2h 42m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 14, 2024

Platforms Played


Hey, you know what? It's not Rogue Corps. And with Konami, that's really all you can ask for in this day and age.

It is what it is, just another alright entry in the series. A series which 30 years ago, used to innovate and push the limits of high-intensity action, but after Hard Corps, has remained content rehashing ideas and setpieces as homage to fulfill an entire game's length. And this game is no exception to that trend, as obviously, it's just a remake of Contra 1, with a little bit of Contra 3 & Hard Corps elements thrown in.

On the other hand, it is by far the best entry point for newcomers, with its customizable difficulty, the choice between 1-hit kills and multiple health points, and the Perk system that through further replays of the game, could grant you the benefits required to get past that one part you're struggling with. The movement feels great, and the weapons are very satisfying to blast your way through hordes of aliens with. Some levels can last as long as 10 minutes, but I was getting so into into the mindless carnage of it all, they always felt way shorter than that, and I think that's indicative of something good. In the end, I don't think this game did anything exciting or new, but as far as simple run 'n gun action goes, I'd say the 2 hours flew by quite enjoyably.

One big problem: This game's asking 40 dollars for 2 hours of what is clearly a budget-minded game based on a bunch of ideas from 30-40 years ago. I know we've just switched over to Daylight Savings, but that's only an hour forward, whereas Konami thinks we've moved all the way to fuckin' April Fools with price tags like this. I mean, sure, there's some replayability, but it's mostly like, do you want to play on a harder difficulty now? Do you want the original soundtrack mode? Or some new characters? None of this warrants a price that high, and you'd be a much wiser person if you were to wait for a sale. You've already waited this long for a decent Contra title, what's another couple months?