Log Status






Time Played

80h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 16, 2023

Platforms Played


this game is amazing in the combat and multiplayer aspects. I am in the middle of a 3-person co-op session alongside a SP campaign and they are wildly different and the MP is the highlight of my year. This is GOTY for me based on content and discussion amongst my group of friends.


My biggest gripe with the story is that as someone not from a D&D background, the lore is not really that exciting or gripping for me. It’s very generic fantasy. Which I think leads to issues when so many of the quests propositions are “we have a problem with these people.”

Stern British accents makes some of the tribalism spouted by NPCs funny, but this grew tiresome very quickly for me. Especially since the majority of responses are “why you racist” “I’m not sure what to think of them” and generically “I agree with you” (which you can say no matter what race you are)

It made me miss the discussions that behavioral traits are shared by all races from Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Fallout New Vegas, and most importantly STAR TREK… and you just have to understand people individually as being shaped by a culture/race, rather than generalizing them as a race. the dialogue responses are still funny as hell.


In terms of the gameplay, BG3 still doesn't attempt to fix the "this is a party of people with abilities" problem, and still make the player character/or the selected one for dialogue the only person who interacts or has ability checks. if you have a buff character who likes to intimidate, they should be able to interject and cow someone. or the smart one interjects on the party's behalf to solve a riddle. especially since the player character who enters dialogue don't speak (to solve the 100000000s of hours of player-character dialogue needed), this should be feasible.


Player-character sexuality - everyone is bisexual/queer as long as you get enough goodboy points. i mean i guess this is the future liberals want, but sometimes real people just aren't wired to fuck anything that cares about them. sometimes they have to be a nonbinary dragonborn.


still in act 1 after 80 hours lololol