2428 reviews liked by TheOlorunSpawn

For some reason I thought this game was weirdly endearing and comfy despite it pretty much being generic high school nothing for the majority of the game
Gameplay fucking sucks though lol

Mid game that I reminisce fondly on. Like, really fondly on. It's one of those games I enjoy saying that I've played more than actually playing it. Honestly if you like the tone and feeling of Falcom games it's worth playing, but don't expect too much out of it.

we have persona at home
Good ARPG with a decent amount of content. Story is nothing amazing but kept me interested, characters are pretty good despite nearly all of them being generic anime tropes, gameplay is simple but interesting especially with being able to switch between characters instantly. Dungeons while not having anything especially wrong with them definitely started to get old with many themes and enemies being reused very often, but it wasn't that bad.
Difficulty playing on Nightmare wasn't too easy or hard, the game's graphics are decent especially for a Vita remaster and I didn't have any technical problems during my playthrough.

what if Persona 5 but making sense.

it's still on the weaker side of falcom games

Believe It is a fantastic piece of music

Gameplay that's actually pretty tight and engaging once you get past some jank. Sadly the story is episodic nothingness until the finale, which could've been really poignant if the true ending didn't "fix" everything.

Persona + Ys + Trails = Tokyo Xanadu

This was my first Falcom game back in 2018. I was looking for Persona styled alternatives and a friend recommended it to me. Fast forward a couple years after I've played the entire Trails and Ys series and I'd say it's one of my least favorite Falcom games, but it's still great regardless.

Story is pretty much a generic 2000s shounen and the characters are very trope-y, but it's still compelling because Falcom writers are top notch and know how to keep things interesting.

Combat is like Ys mixed with the orbment system of Cold Steel. It's a lot of fun.

Dungeon design is kinda weak, but the OST is incredible as with all Falcom so it makes up for it.

The game also has tons of references to Trails and Ys so if you're a fan of those series it's worth a playthrough just for that.

i want to kiss shio on the lips and slurp his taters

For a very much B-tier RPG I gotta say this game really captured my attention. I'm usually pretty hostile to the kind of tropey anime nonsense this game is trading in, but despite some bad writing (and localization) I still found the characters and story pretty compelling right up to the end. It takes a lot to earn an ending like the game does and honestly it does a pretty good job.
Since I'd always heard the game was a bit average I wasn't expecting much, especially being the kind of person who will start skipping cutscenes in a game if it doesn't hold my interest. I found the game to be quite genre savvy in a lot of ways and I think that helped it get away with some of its more indulgent moments, it literally does a hot springs episode unironically. The main character also did a lot for me, his reactions to things that were happening were often aligned with my own annoyances with assorted plot contrivances or characters being obtuse, so that really put me on the game's side.

It's often said of Ys VIII that it feels like an amped up PS2 game, and the same could be said of this game, it's got fairly simple but satisfying combat, nothing groundbreaking but it very much does the job and the elements system keeps things interesting to encourage using different party members. Dungeons are mostly straightforward corridors and just finding the next key to open whatever locks might be in your way but no real puzzle elements or anything to really make things more interesting, one of the game's weaker aspects for sure, though the final dungeon is excellent and varied, I just wish there were more dungeons like it!

Presentationally I've been told it's similar to the Trails games, but as I haven't played any of them I can't really comment on it. The main thing that jumped out at me initially was Persona 3 given its school setting and slightly more simplified social elements along with the main story following you through a school year, it doesn't feel as integral to the game here though, more of an aesthetic than offering any real mechanical depth or sense that your time and choices are limited. The music also in places is very reminiscent of certain tracks in Persona 3. There's a choice to present each of the games' chapters as though they were episodes of a show, with the anime style opening playing at the start of each and I will always find that appealing for some reason, there's a lot to be said for wearing your influences on your sleeve.

Speaking of the music, it's pretty great, lots of your standard Falcom style chugging buttrock tunes along with some chill pieces and dungeon music that is nicely atmospheric.