Known more for their heights during the N64 era, Rare's stint making licensed games for publishers like the infamous LJN is an often overlooked period in the developer's history. So much so in fact, that the gamers who take it upon themselves to dig through the earliest recesses of the legendary British studio's catalogue are often surprised to find the titles like this bog-standard side-scrolling brawler based on the Marvel property that fail to live up to their more notable works.

As someone who already has an aversion to straight 2D beat 'em ups where all of the action is limited to a single plane and you don't even have so much as the ability to change lanes, the way your most effective method of movement, jumping, is so unreliable here basically doomed it from the get-go with me. Not only does it make evading damage more of a pain than it needs to be, but in the infrequent instances where actual platforming is required clearing expanses is kind of a crapshoot. There were times where I couldn't get over obstacles greater than waist-high and a boss battle that requires you to leap to a ledge above the supervillain in order to avoid his gradual march back and forth is a touch maddening. All this on top of the fact that it's designed to swarm players with random crap every second, an unfortunate holdover from the Stamper brother's (Rare's founders) ZX Spectrum days.

It doesn't get everything wrong though. The story, as bare bones as it is, does at least include some amusing cutscenes of the web-head trading verbal jabs with his foes in a manner that expertly captures the same quippy nature of the comics. Graphically, it has nice looking sprites that make it even more attractive than either of its two sequels. Special praise must also be given to the music which is banging, as well as that there are a few ideas present like Spider-Man's potentially life-saving, limited use ranged web attacks or the pair of wall crawling segments that show they did TRY to create something special and interesting.

Far from "Amazing" though, this isn't worth playing regardless. The trial-and-error approach required so that you'll be aware of what's coming next and therefore won't burn through your lives and continues too quickly before reaching the final boss is hardly any fun. Particularly when somewhat struggling with the controls. All in all, this is just a reminder of how once upon a time everyone's favorite arachnid-themed superhero had a reputation similar to Batman's old standing in gaming, where you simply couldn't count on him to star in anything that wasn't terrible. So unless you're passionate enough about the video game medium to truly want to see as much of what is has to offer as possible, this is a piece of shovelware better left forgotten in the annals of history.


Reviewed on Dec 11, 2021
