it honestly doesn't even make sense that this game exists

10/10 can't wait for the DLC

This is certainly Solitaire.

Cute game that emulates the game perfectly. Nothing additional or flashy involved. Fun if you like playing the same game over and over and over and over...

pretty decent racing game for what it is. collision and drifting is a little wonky, but I'd pick it up if you like kart racing games.

If you had told me that this game was released in 2013, I truly wouldn't have believed you.

Against all odds, the rhythm part of the game is actually enjoyable, and the Extreme difficulty is an appropriate level of difficult.

Play at your own risk

About as good as the actual board game

Even 15+ years later, Sinnoh continues to be one of my favorite regions in the Pokemon universe. The music, the pokemon selection (barring Fire types, of course), and the story is among the best in the franchise.

I will say that if you're returning to play gen IV, I HIGHLY suggest you go with Platinum instead of Diamond/Pearl. I didn't realize how slow the battle timing was, and Platinum fixed a lot of the hitches from Diamond and Pearl, as well as having a lot more variety in the Pokemon you could obtain.

All in all, this is a game that still holds up even if you don't have insane nostalgia like I do. 7/10

if activision cared about their community

fighting final boss

defeating final boss

"...that's it?"


You know those boss fights in games that seem incredibly daunting, but once you find the one mechanic about them that you can exploit to defeat them, you feel really good about yourself once you use that learned knowledge to win?

This game is literally that... but for every boss.


Very cute little puzzle game. Played as part of a RetroAchievements challenge, but stayed for the fun mechanic, and the difficulty of the Insane mode. Wasn't maddening, but provided a fun challenge for someone who wasn't all well-versed in Tetris-like stacking games!

just ignore the VA and this game is a masterpiece