11 reviews liked by TheReezh

Ótimo mapa, ótimas armas, a mítica do Homem-Aranha era uma delícia de usar, e não teve uma skin realmente ruim no passe de batalha.

retroactively reviewing previous seasons post c5s1

Definitely the weakest season in Chapter 3. The new island was great! A nice mixture of new and old locales, but in retrospect, none really felt terribly iconic at the beginning, as later seasons added my favorite Locations (Reality Tree, Rave Cave).

The introduction of the Spidey Gloves in this season has been a curse and a boon. One of the best swinging mechanics in any game ever. It feel so good to move through the air with them. On the other hand the continual repackaging/reintroduction of them within Fortnite: BR, is annoying. Having a dude swing in out of no where and then blast ya, then leave is majorly annoying.

playing this as a fortnite "hater" in 2021, who only played it ironically up to this point... danny devito i get it gif

the thing that got me into the game was spidey and the web slingers, swinging around made the game very fun

Black Hole'a göre daha zayıf olmasına rağmen gayet güzel bir son olan the end'in sonrasında gayet güzel bir sezon başlangıcı ve spider-man ağ atıcılarının dahil olduğu bir sezondu.
Ayrıca hikaye tarafında fena olmayan bi iş başardılar.


Downgrade from mw2, just like the original mw3. Seems like they rushed this one out of the frying pan to cash out. Definitely could have been dlc. The story wasn’t even bad, it was just too short and wasn’t really satisfying as a the last two. Majority of the campaign are these “open missions” where you have to complete goals within a map but if you die, you gotta start the whole thing over. It’s frustrating as hell on veteran but they let you keep whatever weapons and upgrades you find throughout the map. A neat concept but no bueno for a classic cod campaign, just seems like a rushed mission structure, especially compared to the last game. The stakes are high in the story, something I love in the reboot story; this one just leaves a bit to be desired. It’s honestly an edging simulator until the next game comes out. Last game I got every campaign trophy but I didn’t even try for this game. It’s not bad and it’s a must play if you’re into the story, just wish they didn’t rush it.

esse jogo não merecia nem nota pra começo de conversa, de longe uma das piores campanhas já feitas da franquia as missões se resumem no modo coop do 2019 em mundo aberto com alguns objetivos a serem cumpridos, não tenho nem o que falar mais pq é uma merda.

O makarov aqui é um pau mole do caralho o price é um pica murcha e o Soap foi humilhado sem necessidade no final, não contentes o jogo acaba do nada IGUAL A MERDA DO GEARS 4 eu te odeio infinity ward, vai pro caralho vocês e esse sheperd come bosta também.

Honestly, have three different opinions on this game all at once:
1) The campaign wasn't that great and the ending was terrible in my opinion. The intro mission got me hyped, but I hated the new open combat missions structure and it killed my experience. Made me feel like I was playing DMZ/Warzone, which I don't want in the campaigns.
2) The multiplayer is a blast - I absolutely love the Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps and the gameplay feels rather nice. It is extremely enjoyable and the reason I keep playing.
3) Zombies is....okay. Not really vibing with it and would rather play something round based.

Originally had a score of 7/10 but dropping it down 2 points for one of the campaign missions bugging out, causing my PS5 to crash repeatedly and forcing me to start all over again. I almost gave up on it - but that was a few hours of agony try to fix things (I wiped the game from my SSD multiple times for example).