14 reviews liked by TheSalt

It ripped off the stickers from Crash Boom Bang

Superstars is as definitive as a Mario Party experience you can get. Not tied down by the new, simplified foibles of 9, 10, and SMP, Superstars recaptures the magic (see: nonsense) of many of the classic games with some excellent board choices. Lots of minigames to select from as well, and the addition of stickers is a level of BM I would not have expected from modern Nintendo so kudos to that.

Most of the remixed music is stellar, and the visuals are gorgeous. The levelling and unlocks are nice incentives to play more, and the online and handling of interrupts like disconnects is very well executed.

I would have maybe liked to see some more boards and characters (and if Nintendo is feeling extra psychotic, a 50 turn option as the current max is 30), but I have no doubt that at least some of that will get added in a future update.

Superstars shows that somebody at Nintendo is still in touch with what made Mario Party memorable in the first place, and I hope to see the next numbered title following suit.

Sure there could be more boards, characters and mini-games and I hope we get some in free updates or even DLC, but even the base package is easily a peak Mario Party experience alongside 6 and 2 with some of the most iconic boards and classic mini-games and few things give me as much nostalgic joy as playing this with the boys over Discord. Most fun and enjoyable multiplayer experience I've had in years.

finally some good fucking mario party

the only FNAF game i can take seriously

absolutely hated this game as a kid

color splash quality gameplay with no good writing

Unlocking this at the end of Zero Mission is cool and all... but like... just play Zero Mission.


Good game but l don't think metroid is for me lol.