Just a dude who likes to chill out and play a lot of games. I do enjoy trying to analyse them somewhat, but generally do it to a pretty shallow level.

I don't buy games I don't think I'll like and I'm usually right about that, so I'll probably rarely review things poorly. Although, does mean I sometimes miss out on a few gems...
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Baldur's Gate 3
Baldur's Gate 3

Aug 03

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I had a lot of hype for this game, what with the first instalment being one of the most memorable experiences of my childhood. When I finally got around to playing it, I wasn't exactly disappointed, but I did feel like it didn't improve on the original as much as it aught to have.

The visuals are still stunning and the semi-open world was neat but I think the level based approach of the original game with the addition of alternate paths would've been a better idea.

The combat was improved and actually felt pretty good for the most part, incorporating new enemy types that required different movement techniques to deal with - but again they tried to force you to engage with it a few times and even just lock you in a room to duke it out at one point.

The main flaw of the game lies in the storytelling once again, while there are a few interesting characters the plot is just annoyingly cliche and not very interesting.

Overall the experience if you just rush between story moments is comparable to the first, maybe slightly weaker in a few places and better in a few others, but the characteristically EA push for weird side content in the form of collectibles and social features left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth that makes me remember the original slightly more fondly.

I have a lot of nostalgia for this game because I played it when I was pretty young. At the time I played it, it was a one-of-a-kind experience and drew me into this really visually interesting environment that I got to take in as I raced through it.

In hindsight, the visual style is still really cool, but the story had a lot lacking in it. The gameplay is still very solid even to this day, being one of the few games to do first-person parkour in a grounded and somewhat 'real' feeling way - most other games with these sort of parkour elements feel rather floaty or use jetpacks etc to 'stick' you to the wall.
Sections with forced combat didn't feel great when I replayed the game more recently on pc, but didn't get in the way of the overall enjoyment.

The level design and lack of alternate paths leads to replayability being a bit meh, unless you're the type to want to try and beat your times, but the overall experience is fantastic; especially for a first playthrough.

This game had the potential to be fantastic, and it was still okay, but at the end of the day boiled down to a slightly prettier and less interesting version of the original.

Still has a terrible story, the gameplay is pretty good and they expanded on the options from the first game a decent bit but then 3/4 of the way through they put you in a city with the most repetitive environments possible and then give you a fucking glider so that getting around is as boring as possible.

If you just...don't use the glider, the interiors to every building look almost identical and the differing elevations for all of the buildings means that your options to path through them are limited, unless you glide up, then go on foot once you're up there.

The option to choose who you side with is on paper pretty neat, but in-game was annoying because it boiled down to facists vs nutters, so you end up just picking the one that gives you the coolest rewards.