The flip side to Opposing Force. As much as that expansion adds, Blue Shift takes away. It was meant as a bonus mode for the cancelled Dreamcast port of Half Life and boy does it show. Skippable unless you really want to know what happened to Barney before Half Life 2.

Amazing remake of an amazing game. Some aspects, like the characters and story, are improved while others, like the boss fights, are more lateral changes. The only negative is the game still dragging at the end despite all the changes. In fact the increased length can make the dragging feel worse than the original in some spots. Overall, just as solid as the original with enough new surprises to keep it interesting.

Pretty fun RPG coming from someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with RPGs. It does start to drag near the end but I never felt the need to grind.

Bowser's Minions was a total bore I gave up on after about an hour. Mind you that was an hour of constantly holding down the fast forward button.

Fun puzzle game with just enough Nintendo charm to make it feel special. This could very easily work as a mobile game if Nintendo ever decides to revisit the series.

Basically just more RE 4, which isn't a bad thing there's just not anything new here. The FINAL final fight with Krauser is kinda cool.

Gem of a game. Jack Black needs to be in more video games.

All great games but the bare minimum of a re-release. Add on top that the limited availability and you get a very poor package.

Could've been great but it goes on for way too long.

Bland. Almost none of the spark or humor of the original but the gameplay is as tight as ever.

Boring-ass, flash game looking-ass, bowling ball bumper-ass game.

Bowser never leaves the hot tub until Mario comes and destroys it.

Primitive. I'm sure it was impressive at the time but there's no reason to go back to this besides nostalgia.

Nightmare - Fun if you like the gunplay and actions parts of RE 7. I did not.

Bedroom - Good shit.

Ethan Must Die - lol

I don't know man the gameplay is finally something different for Bioshock but the story is comically bad. Skip this unless you're a diehard.