Joshua is an interesting character and the new areas are cool but the story is very rushed and by the time it was over I was like "that's it?"

Dark survival horror from a game that had very little of it initially. I really liked how powerless you feel after the power fantasy of the base game.

A mixed bag. Parts of the base game and the other DLCs hype up the big confrontation at the end of this one and I was mostly let down. The decision to make the DLC completely linear and the absence of any interactable characters is odd for Fallout. Gameplay is pretty excellent with tons of challenging encounters.

More Doom 3 love it or hate it. The gravity gun knock off is dumb.

Comfort food gaming. Very tight and well designed. One of the best platformers I've played in recent years.

A more compelling story and better gameplay than the main game.

I'm sure it's very satisfying to beat all the bosses in this DLC but I wouldn't know 😢

Brooooooo who let Bethesda cook?

As good if not better than the original campaign. The seriousness lends itself well to complement the other humorous campaigns.

Really fantastic visuals, music, and overall presentation that still holds up today. The gameplay doesn't age as well unfortunately. Animations are janky and fairly inconsistent leading to missed ledge grabs. The several forced combat sequences near the end of the game are frustrating as the game repeatedly emphasizes stealth and makes combat deliberately brutal. Still, a unique enough game on its own to deserve the status it has.

Not as exciting or interesting as the first game or Adventure. The only real unique thing about it is the buddy system but it sucks, and not in the Kirby way.

Meh? The most forgettable mainline RE game. The character switching isn't a bad idea and there's a few moments where I can see the potential in the mechanic to be really interesting. But the good parts are hampered by a frustrating inventory system and a strangely barren story. The main villain isn't even revealed until the literal final boss fight.

21 - I kinda love this minigame. One of the few RE extras I really got into.

Daughters - The real story meat. A well paced experience much like the main game.

Jack's 55th Birthday - I did not care for this one.