Slightly above average Souls game.

A classic title. THE online shooter in its heyday.

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Made me scared of becoming a huge ball of flesh.

Steeped in old school FPS design but controls like a modern shooter.

Fantastic pirate game. The assassin missions are the most boring parts.

Gameplay is weakest aspect. Unfortunately most of the game is gameplay. The world and characters make me yearn for the fabled Star Trek RPG we've never gotten.

Main story is pretty bad as are some of the DLCs but the world is so engrossing. I've so many hours wandering around listening to the radio.

Not as good as the first but worthy of a playthrough.

Boring and overlong but with just enough camp to keep it semi-interesting.

Painfully average. The game that made me stop preordering.

My friends made fun of me when I said Kirby was a guy.