Incredibly average. Sequel is a massive improvement.

Major rhythm game fatigue hit right about here.

I don't play just any game 4 times through in a row.

I rented this for the achievements.

Starts off really rough, then gets kinda badass in the middle, and drops off to bad again at the end.

Very good. I like how weird and dark Majora's Mask is compared to Ocarina. The music and smeary visuals are top notch design creating the melancholic feeling much of the game has. The dungeon design shows a great comfortability with the 3D space and a bigger push to experiment with the layout, the Stone Tower Temple being the best example of this. Still, the time constraints in development show themselves in some blatant padding and inconsistent pacing. Overall Majora's Mask does not surpass Ocarina of Time in my mind but it is damn close.

My first experience with Valve. The best $20 I ever spent.

A poor start to Fallout 3's DLCs. Very linear, and has almost none of the strengths of the base game.

Not a revolution like other 3D Mario platformers but a fine tuned experience none the less. Nintendo at their most refined.

The Princes didn't have to go so hard.

Amazing package overall, but I miss the trophies.

I always wanted Luigi to get with Rosalina.

Incredibly solid immersive sim from a time when immersive sims were basically gone from the culture. The plot twist is an all-timer.

Excellent return to form for RE.

I used to play through this game and the episodes every summer break hoping Half Life 3 was just around the corner.