Neat mod with some cool ideas. I wish it built on them more but at only 45 minutes to an hour long it doesn't have much time.

Cute. I feel like this should've come preinstalled on the Steam Deck to show off the features.

Starts off alright but falls flat in the underground sections. From there the puzzle design often expects you to look up which is really hard to convey even for expert developers. Kinda interesting in parts but really annoying in others.

Amazing remake of an amazing game. Some aspects, like the characters and story, are improved while others, like the boss fights, are more lateral changes. The only negative is the game still dragging at the end despite all the changes. In fact the increased length can make the dragging feel worse than the original in some spots. Overall, just as solid as the original with enough new surprises to keep it interesting.

Much improved over the original Separate Ways. So much is added you could essentially call this a entire new B scenario for RE4. A lot of the missing sequences from the original RE4 are placed here and work a lot better. I much preferred the Saddler fight here as opposed to the Krauser rematch from the og Separate Ways. Maybe time for some Assignment Ada DLC? I won't hold my breath.

Kind of an elongated minigame. Not bad at all but almost too simple for its own good. The one thing I can't forgive is not showing the secondary objective on the level select screen often times requiring you play through each level at least 3 times to get the star, do the secondary objective, and find the hidden pixel Toad.

Well this is disappointing. 343 clearly had season 6 mostly complete but Microsoft pulled the plug on it to get the studio working on a new game. It's evident the devs weren't happy about this considering they didn't even give this update a name and shoved all the armor pieces on the store for $38. Only one new map?

It seems the strategy was to get Infinite to good standing with the player base with the past 2 seasons and then cash out with a pitiful "content update."

Pretty fun RPG coming from someone who doesn't have a lot of experience with RPGs. It does start to drag near the end but I never felt the need to grind.

Bowser's Minions was a total bore I gave up on after about an hour. Mind you that was an hour of constantly holding down the fast forward button.

This full decompilation is very impressive. I've noticed little details in this port that always passed me by in other versions. Agreed with the rest of the reviews here: this is the definitive way to play Jak 1.

The best modern way to play Jak 2. Even nicer on a Steam Deck.

An improvement on the first game which I didn't think had much room for improvement. Fantastically creepy design and presentation. It knows just when to hit you with a big scare and when to pull back and just give you a creepy image that lingers without a musical sting. The only criticism I have is some of the environmental puzzles are hard to read. The rooms can be so detailed it's hard to figure out what is interactable and what is set dressing. Overall it made me feel like I was playing Limbo again which is one of the highest compliments I can bestow.

Fun puzzle game with just enough Nintendo charm to make it feel special. This could very easily work as a mobile game if Nintendo ever decides to revisit the series.

A rare parody game that remembers to actually be a fun game. The jokes are pretty funny too.

A little brutal in some parts, but a high quality platformer none the less. The 3DS version would be definitive if not for the 30fps cap and the lowered resolution.

Yep, still the better more expansive version of Asylum. It's a little lame to have Joker be the main villain again after the last game but Mark Hamill is so good in the role that it works. I found the Riddler challenges to be mostly filler this time around but the other side quests were decent excuses to have vignettes with lesser Batman baddies. Overall, a great time and a satisfying open world that is actually filled with content and a story that has balls.